Medical Education Leadership Lectures
The Office of Health and Medical Education Scholarship (OHMES) champions new and emerging education scholars as well as those who are academic educational leaders. The Medical Education Leadership Lecture recognizes those who have made a significant contribution to health and medical education in the Cumming School of Medicine.

Dr. Joan Sargeant
Developing a research program in medical education: Serendipity, curiosity, and collaboration
Dr. Sargeant describes the evolution of her research and development of a research program over almost 20 years, and discusses the contributions that serendipity, curiosity and collaboration made along the way.

Dr. Sylvain Coderre
20 years of education, teaching and research: all in one slide!
Join Dr. Coderre as he provides an entertaining view of his journey as an educator, researcher and administrator. He presents a framework (one slide!) that applies for teaching, course design, curricular design and mentoring students, and some tips to being a better colleague and administrator.
Dr. Rachel Ellaway
Don't try this at home: world domination and academic leadership laid bare
There are many routes to educational scholarship and Dr. Ellaway's path has been odd to say the least. Rachel will reflect on her path to being an educational researcher and academic leader. In doing so, she will consider issues of identity, creativity, and serendipity in pursuing an academic career as well as the paths that have yet to be pursued.
Dr. Jocelyn Lockyer & Dr. Irene Ma
Leadership in Medical Education Scholarship: Practical Approaches to Conducting Publishable Research
We are excited to present Drs. Lockyer and Ma collaborating for the second OHMES Medical Education Leadership Lecture. Dr. Lockyer is Senior Associate Dean - Education and Professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences. Dr. Ma is a general internist at Foothills Medical Centre and Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine. Both are accomplished researchers in medical education, and we look forward to learning from their experiences.
Dr. Doug Myhre
"Lost in the Woods": reflections on an academic journey
We are delighted that Dr. Doug Myhre is giving the inaugural OHMES Medical Education Leadership Lecture "Lost in the Woods": reflections on an academic journey.
Dr. Myhre is a born and raised Albertan, family doctor, and a long-time member of the University of Calgary medical education community. He is Currently Associate Dean Distributed Learning and Rural Initiatives (DLRI), the Chair of Admissions at the Cumming School of Medicine and continues his teaching practice in family medicine at the Sheldon Chumir Health Centre.