Welcome to ACP CRIO!
A 2013-2019 study of the implementation and impact of advance care planning policy in Alberta
What is ACP CRIO?
ACP CRIO was a knowledge translation research program funded by Alberta Innovates from April 2013 to September 2019, under the Collaborative Research and Innovation Opportunities (CRIO) program. Partnering with Alberta Health Services (AHS) and Covenant Health, we studied the AHS-led implementation of a provincial policy on Advance Care Planning (ACP) and Goals of Care Designations (GCD). Our overarching research question focused on how to optimally implement a formalized ACP framework across a large population and throughout a complex, multi-sector healthcare system. Our objectives were to identify the most effective methods to catalyse use of ACP, and to determine the impact on health resource utilization and clinical outcomes.
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