Presentation archive
View presentations organized by our four CRIO objectives
Objective 1: What did we learn about barriers, facilitators, and readiness to participate in ACP in Alberta?
A synthesis of barriers and facilitators
From Knowledge to Action: A Synthesis of Barriers and Facilitators to Advance Care Planning Policy Implementation Across a Healthcare System
21st International Congress on Palliative Care, October 18-21, 2016, Montreal, Quebec
South Asian perspectives on ACP
Understanding Advance Care Planning within the South Asian community: a Qualitative Patient Engagement Research Study
9th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC), June 9-11, 2016, Dublin, Ireland
ACP and disability
How do people with disabilities perceive advance care planning?
6th International Conference on Advance Care Planning and End of Life Care (ACPEL), September 6-9, 2017, Banff, AB
Public participation in ACP
How to increase public participation in advance care planning: findings from a World Cafe to elicit community group perspectives
European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) 2017 Conference, May 18-20, 2017, Madrid, Spain
Survey of lawyers in Alberta
How do lawyers assist their clients with advance care planning? Findings from a cross-sectional survey of lawyers in Alberta
ACP CRIO Seminar Series, December 14, 2016, Calgary, Alberta
Medical-legal collaboration on ACP
Health and Legal Sector Collaboration to Support Advance Care Planning
6th International Conference on Advance Care Planning and End of Life Care (ACPEL), September 6-9, 2017, Banff, AB
Healthcare provider perspectives
Healthcare provider perspectives on barriers and facilitators for ACP GCD uptake in Alberta: results of a Theoretical Domains survey
ACP CRIO Seminar Series, June 17, 2015, Calgary, Alberta
Strategic Clinical Network perspectives
Identifying local barriers and facilitators to uptake of health care innovations: putting evidence-based principles of knowledge translation into action for advance care planning
ACP CRIO Seminar Series, November 5, 2014
Public poll survey methods
Differences in survey methodology of two advance care planning survey polls conducted in Alberta, Canada
6th International Conference on Advance Care Planning and End of Life Care (ACPEL), September 6-9, 2017, Banff, AB
The Alberta ACCEPT study
The Alberta ACCEPT Study: Audit of Communication, CarE Planning, and DocumenTation
ACP CRIO Seminar Series, November 29, 2018, Calgary, Alberta
Seriously ill hospitalized adults: ACP engagement, experiences and outcomes
The Alberta ACCEPT Study: Evaluating the impact of a system-wide advance care planning policy on communication, care planning and documentation
Advance Care Planning International (ACPi) Conference, March 2019, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Snapshot of research findings
Are we there yet? A snapshot of research findings about advance care planning in Alberta
2016 Mary O'Connor Palliative and Hospice Care Conference, April 27, 2016, Calgary, AB
Objective 2: What did we learn about tools for ACP education and engagement in Alberta?
Patient perceptions of a video decision aid
Advanced cancer patients' perspectives on a video decision support aid used to enhance goals of care discussions
ACP CRIO Seminar Series, February 18, 2015
Patient acceptance of advance care planning guidebook
"It's Just Part of Life": patient acceptance of distribution of advance care planning materials at hospital admission
ACP CRIO Seminar Series, March 16, 2016, Calgary, Alberta
"Presentation Matters"
Presentation Matters in Advance Care Planning and Goals of Care Conversations
6th International Conference on Advance Care Planning and End of Life Care (ACPEL), September 6-9, 2017, Banff, AB
Advance care planning engagement survey: think aloud evaluation
Using the think aloud method to evaluate instrument design for a new survey of patient engagement with advance care planning (ACP)
ACP CRIO Seminar Series, April 15, 2015, Calgary, Alberta
Randomized controlled trial of a video intervention
Efficacy of Advance Care Planning and Goals of Care Designations Discussions: A Randomized Controlled Trial and Video Intervention
6th International Conference on Advance Care Planning and End of Life Care (ACPEL), September 6-9, 2017, Banff, AB
Team process improvement intervention
Combining integrated knowledge translation with quality improvement processes in the implementation of an Advance Care Planning intervention
Palliative Care Consult Service - Calgary Zone Grand Rounds, February 27, 2018, Calgary, AB
Objective 3: What did we learn about indicators to monitor ACP uptake in Alberta?
Systematic review of healthcare systems' evaluation
How do healthcare systems evaluate their Advance Care Planning initiatives? Results from a systematic review
European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) 2015 Conference, May 8-10, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark
Delphi study to identify indicators
Identification of indicators to monitor successful implementation of Advance Care Planning policies: a modified Delphi study
6th International Conference on Advance Care Planning and End of Life Care (ACPEL), September 6-9, 2017, Banff, AB
Objective 4: What did we learn about the economic costs and consequences of ACP implementation in Alberta?
Economics of ACP
The Economics of Advance Care Planning: A Systematic Review
6th International Conference on Advance Care Planning and End of Life Care (ACPEL), September 6-9, 2017, Banff, AB
Analysis of electronic GCD orders
Analysis of Calgary Zone Electronic GCD Orders 01 December 2008 to 31 December 2014
ACP CRIO Seminar Series, June 29, 2016, Calgary, Alberta
Program-spanning presentations
Pre-conference workshop at ACPEL 2017: learnings from Alberta
Transforming healthcare through Advance Care Planning and Goals of Care Designation uptake: learnings from Alberta
Pre-conference workshop at the 6th International Conference on Advance Care Planning and End of Life Care (ACPEL), September 6-9, 2017, Banff, Alberta