Stather Canadian Outcomes registry for chest Procedures-Scope Registry
Named in the honour of our friend and colleague Dr. David Stather who passed away in 2014, Dave was an interventional pulmonologist who had himself used procedural databases to further our understanding of complications associated with such procedures1-3 and was a pioneer in the teaching4-9 as well as development of new procedures10;11. The launch of this program was funded by donations made in his name.
Multicentre Registry of Chest Procedures
This multicentre registry of chest procedures was established in order to increase our understanding of how these procedures impact our patients. Procedure and outcomes data are prospectively collected from patients undergoing a variety of diagnostic and treatment procedure at participating Canadian institutions. To date, these include the University of Calgary, the University of Alberta, McGill university, University of Saskatchewan, Université Laval, Western University and Dalhousie University.
Procedure Modules
As of July 2022, over 4,000 procedures have been recorded in one of these active procedure modules:
- 19G EBUS procedures
- EBUS procedures for lung cancer where specimen collected for PDL1 testing
- EBUS procedures where sarcoidosis, lymphoma or unexplained mediastinal adenopathy is the pre-procedure diagnosis
- Therapeutic procedures for benign stenoses