
Tips on filling out the form

  1. Please enter the first day of a month for the start date.
  2. Please enter the last day of a month for the end date.
  3. If one lump sum payment is to be made, the start and end dates are for one month only (e.g., May 1 and May 31).
  4. If payment is to be made over more than one month (e.g., May 1 to August 31), please enter the monthly amount in the box and the total amount in the appropriate field.
  5. Each payment form should indicate the exact amount that is to be paid for that particular request from the indicated project. In the case of an award and a top up amount:
    • If the payment form is being submitted for both the award portion and the top up portion, each portion should be indicated in the box and the total amount field should indicate the sum of the top up and award (e.g., award amount is $1500/month and top up is $500/month for 4 months, the total amount is $8000).
    • If the payment request is only for the top up portion, the total amount should indicate only the total top up amount (using the above example, the total amount is $2000 if only the top up portion is being requested). Please do not indicate the total award amount on the form if the form is only requesting the top up portion. 
  6. The total amount should equal the monthly amount times the number of months.