BHSc Office
Mailing Address:
Health Sciences Centre (HSC), Room G503
O'Brien Centre for the Bachelor of Health Sciences
3330 Hospital Drive NW
Calgary, AB T2N 4N1
Phone: 403.210.9730
Fax: 403.210.9747
Office Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM (Monday-Friday)
Admissions, Registration & Advising

Program Coordinator
Jennifer Logan
Phone: 403.220.3751
Email: jljlogan@ucalgary.ca
Associate Dean and Director
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Health and Science Education
Dr. Fabiola Aparicio-Ting
Director, O'Brien Centre for the Bachelor of Health Sciences program
Email: feaparic@ucalgary.ca
Program Faculty

Assistant Director of Bioinformatics
Dr. Connie Li
Email: constance.li@ucalgary.ca

Co-Director of Biomedical Sciences
Dr. Donna Slater
Email: dmslater@ucalgary.ca
Co-Director of Biomedical Sciences
Dr. Guido van Marle
Email: vanmarle@ucalgary.ca

Director of Health and Society
Dr. Jesse Hendrikse
Email: jlhendri@ucalgary.ca
Program Staff
Program Operations Advisor
Jeanette Klimczuk-Ozon
Phone: 403.210.7794
Email: jlozon@ucalgary.ca
Program Engagement Specialist
Tharwat Skeik
Phone: 403.210.6422
Email: tharwat.skeik@ucalgary.ca
Laboratory Manager
Deirdre Lobb
Phone: 403.210.8156
Email: dadracas@ucalgary.ca

Manager, Operations
Joyce Simoes
Phone: 403.210.8599
Email: jsimoes@ucalgary.ca
Program Technician
Roland Coombe
Phone: 403.210.7791
Email: rmcoombe@ucalgary.ca