
Institution PI Contact Info Activity Type (Research/Workshop/Course, etc) Activity Details Website Relevant Publications/Outputs Notes
UofC Linda Carlson l.carlson@ucalgary.ca Research VR Mind (currently recruiting), MATCH (in analysis), OneMind (recruiting) https://www.ucalgary.ca/people/linda-carlson/home https://www.ucalgary.ca/people/linda-carlson/publications
UofC Julia Cam   Research Meditation for mental health during covid https://ucalgary.ca/news/mindfulness-meditation-brief-daily-doses-can-reduce-negative-mental-health-impact-covid-19-0
UofC Lianne Tomfohr ltomfohr@ucalgary.ca Research Mindful Pregnancy, Mindfulness and sleep https://www.healthyfamilieslab.com/research-2 https://trialsjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13063-016-1601-0
UofC Jessica Hinton Jessica.hinton@ucalgary.ca Mindfulness resource Has excel spreadsheet of enviro scan of mindfulness on campus (groups, courses not research)     Has info on current courses and past ones retaining the names of people for possible contacts
UofC Shane Sinclair shane.sinclair@ucalgary.ca Research PI topic is compassion; co-authored compassion+mindfulness paper www.drshanesinclair.com
UofC/CINIM Badri Rickhi bgrickhi@ucalgary.ca Research Psychiatrist; Rsch Chair, Cdn Institute of Natural + Integrative Medicine, Calgary www.cinim.org
UofC Nicole Culos-Reed nculosre@ucalgary.ca Research Prof, Fac of Kinesiology, movement for chronic dis mgment including mindfulness wtihin yoga in particular www.thriveforcancersurvivors.com Crit Rev Oncol Hematol 2017 Dec;120:210-216
UofC Rachel Crowder rachael@presentmoment.ca Retired from academica Runs Present Moment Human Development Services in PEI https://www.presentmoment.ca/