Medical Science
The Medical Science (MDSC) Graduate Program has been in existence for more than 25 years. It is one of the largest graduate programs within the University of Calgary.
Degrees in MDSC are available as an Master of Science (M.Sc.), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) or combined M.D./M.Sc. or M.D./Ph.D. The program encompasses a broad range of topics including specializations ranging from cancer biology to critical care.
The majority of our students apply for and are successful in receiving national, provincial, and university awards and scholarships during their training programs.
Many of our graduates have the research skills and abilities to succeed in independent scientific careers in academic and non-academic settings. As a result, our graduates have been successful in obtaining postdoctoral positions leading to faculty positions at leading universities in Canada and abroad.
Note: For queries on graduate and undergraduate level MDSC designated courses please refer to the Courses section.
MDSC course inquiries can be emailed to gsecourses@ucalgary.ca
David Gugel
Graduate Program Administrator
Dr. Shirin Bonni
Graduate Program Director