i need help

We’re here to listen.

What do Faculty Advocates Against Mistreatment do?

Faculty Advocates are here to lend an ear. When you feel like you’ve been mistreated, it’s hard to figure out the next step alone. Advocates are a confidential resource, here to support you and guide you through the process—whether you chose to report or not.

Meet the Faculty Advocates Against Mistreatment:

Dr. Divya Garg


We have an open door and a listening ear.

Why do you like working with med students?
I appreciate their enthusiasm towards learning and share their passion towards the practice of medicine. Helping them learn the science of medicine while embracing the art is both a rewarding and humbling experience. Having medical students around keeps me on my toes as we embark on a lifetime journey of learning.
What do you feel most grateful for?
I am grateful to work as a physician making long term therapeutic relationships and becoming a part of the families that I care for.
Tell us about your ideal day?
My ideal day is spending quality time with my family making lifelong memories.

Dr. Yves Starreveld


It’s not about the nail.
(video link)

Why do you like working with med students?
Med students are the future of medicine. Sharing my experience, strength, and hope with them continually renews the energy and commitment that I brought when I started medical school in 1992. Conversely, keeping abreast of their experiences on the front lines provides me insights I could get in no other way.
What do you feel most grateful for?
Being able to be present and available, moment to moment for whatever comes my way.
Tell us about your ideal day?
I love to fly, ski and operate. I love to spend time with my loved ones. A day that contains some or all of the above and still leaves me time to process it all is ideal, in whatever form that takes.

Dr. Laura Hinz


Great things can be accomplished with enough enthusiasm, joy, and purpose.

Why do you like working with med students?
Working with medical students restores my passion for medicine on a daily basis. Students bring a unique perspective and questions that keep me learning every day. I love seeing the enthusiasm students have for even routine patient visits, which reminds me why I love my job. I love seeing students finally master concepts they have struggled with.
What do you feel most grateful for?
My two amazing daughters, my husband, and my fascinating job as an endocrinologist. (And shoes)
Tell us about your ideal day?
Some combination of time with my girls, ballet, lots of coffee, and a chance to learn something new.

Direct Report to the Faculty Advocates Against Mistreatment:

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If you are not comfortable submitting your concern to a Faculty Advocate or do not think an Advocate is the right medium for your concern, please feel free to contact the Associate Dean of UME or the Student Professionalism Committee anonymously using the following links:

You can send a message online to the Student Professionalism Committee.

The Faculty Advocates Against Mistreatment:

  • Listens to your concerns
  • Discusses your concerns and helps clarify the most important issues to you
  • Helps identify and evaluate with respect to reporting, or not reporting, mistreatment incidents
  • Gathers and discovers information pertinent to your case. Explains CSM procedures for dealing with reported mistreatment incidents
  • If desired by the student, can serve as a neutral party to help resolve conflicts with the involved parties, by using mediation and other conflict resolution strategies if needed
  • Facilitates conversations among parties
  • Can refer you for counselling, within CSM (SAWH) or external to CSM (e.g. PFSP)
  • Tabulates (with all identifying information removed) a yearly “report card” of activities

Additional Resources: