First Steps and Essentials
First steps you'll need to take when beginning your career at the university and essential information for faculty.
First Steps:
Obtain your UCID
When you are set up in our HR system, you will be assigned a University of Calgary ID (UCID) number.
Please ensure your hiring manager has your personal email address so that your UCID number can be sent to you by email.
If you have issues during your onboarding process, or have any questions regarding benefits, pension and payroll, please contact UService.
UService: 403.210.9300
Register Email and IT account
Once your Employee ID (UCID) number is provided to you, you will need to set up an IT account to access your email, D2L, SharePoint, personal files, and group shares.
As part of the IT Account Registration process, the system will generate a University of Calgary email address for you.
Please take note of your IT Username, as it will be your primary identifier for signing into most university systems.
Complete your Checklist
On the following HR Onboarding page, choose your appointment type and follow along with your appointment specific onboarding checklist.
Get set up with AHS (Clinical)
Clinical Faculty will receive an email from AHS regarding your AHS network account and containing important resources and an onboarding checklist. If at any point you feel stuck in the onboarding process, concerned about delays, or require further assistance with AHS onboarding please reach out using the following link.
Faculty Essentials
Staff Parking
Alberta Health Services provides various parking options at the site for staff and physicians.
Please inquire at the Parking Office for further information and availability.
The Parking Office is located on the first floor of Lot 1 at Foothills Medical Centre.
Foothills Parking Office Phone: 403.944.1014
University of Calgary ID Card (Unicard)
To get your University of Calgary identification card, known as your Unicard, you will first need to submit a selfie of yourself online. Once your selfie has been approved, you will receive an email instructing you (the cardholder) to pick up your Unicard in person at the Campus Service Centre office.
The Campus Service Centre office is located in the main lobby of the International House (IH Building, 169 University Gate NW) on main campus.
Campus Service Centre: 403.220.8300, campusservicecentre@ucalgary.ca
All keys requests must be submitted before 10 a.m. on Tuesdays for pickup after 9 a.m. on Thursdays.
Requests for new or replacement keys issued to individuals must be sent by email to medmoves@ucalgary.ca from the authorizing supervisor with the building, room number and key code (written on the key if available).
If you require entry into your office or lab after hours please contact the Security Desk on ground level near the North door.
For Key Card Access in your particular area, please consult your designated person.
UCalgary Human Resources
Human Resources at the University of Calgary provides assistance to University of Calgary employees by aiding them in the areas of benefits, pensions, payroll, consulting services, recruitment, as well as learning and development.
Additionally, Academic Staff (GFT) at the University of Calgary are entitled to Professional Expenses Reimbursements (PER).
AHS Information for Clinical Faculty
Alberta Health Services will contact you regarding your AHS network account and your onboarding checklist.