CSM Teaching Excellence Program


The CSM Teaching Excellence Program (CSMTEP) is a long-standing initiative orchestrated by the Office of Faculty Development (OFD) within the Cumming School of Medicine (CSM). This program serves as a robust faculty education platform geared towards enhancing teaching capabilities and fostering educational leadership within the medical field.

CSMTEP is structured to cater to various levels of teaching proficiency, from fundamental skills to advanced topics in medical education. By amalgamating relevant educational theories with practical teaching methodologies, the program endeavors to fortify faculty members' pedagogical foundations. Additionally, it offers opportunities for faculty to delve into specialized areas of interest within medical education.

The primary objectives of CSMTEP encompass:

  1. Skill Enhancement: Equipping faculty with essential teaching techniques essential for effective knowledge transfer in diverse educational settings.
  2. Theoretical Understanding: Providing a deeper understanding of educational theories to inform teaching practices and curriculum development.
  3. Advanced Exploration: Offering avenues for faculty to explore specialized topics and innovate within medical education.
  4. Teaching Performance Improvement: Focusing on refining teaching performance through effective feedback mechanisms and coaching sessions.
  5. Assessment Development: Developing faculty proficiency in designing and implementing assessment methods to evaluate student learning effectively.
  6. Educational Leadership: Empowering faculty members to assume leadership roles within educational initiatives, contributing to the advancement of medical education as a whole.

To accommodate participant flexibility, the program has been divided into modules which are currently under development. 

TEP Foundations, Clinical Teacher, Classroom Teacher, Teacher as Leader.

Completing all  modules leads to recognition as a "Teaching Excellence Program" graduate.

At the end of the program, participants will be able to:

1.         Apply skills and educational principles to improve teaching performance in various settings
including lectures, small groups, laboratories and at the bedside

2.         Provide effective feedback and coaching to help learners progress along their milestones

3.         Develop an approach to assessment of knowledge, skills and attitudes

4.         Act as a resource to their department or section by providing targeted faculty development, mentorship and/or taking on administrative leadership positions in education

We are anticipating a call for applications in September 2024, for a program start of January 2025. Watch this space and your email for further details.

-The OFD Team


Attendance to 80% of sessions, completion of formative quizzes, and a final assignment are required

TEP Foundation

Introduces vital aspects of modern teaching. It covers adult learning, cognitive psychology, basic learning theories, effective teaching strategies, online instruction, feedback, professionalism, reflection, inclusive teaching, fostering a safe environment, and supporting struggling students. Each module equips educators with essential skills for diverse classroom settings.

Attendance to five out of six sessions, completion of formative quizzes, and a final assignment are required.

Clinical Teacher

A comprehensive medical education program integrating modules on understanding UME/PGME, transitioning to CBME with EPAs and programmatic assessment. It includes bedside teaching, procedural skills instruction, cognitive psychology principles for addressing bias and clinical reasoning, managing learners in difficulty, effective feedback, narrative writing, assessing learners, and precision teaching methodologies.

Classroom Teacher

An innovative educational program encompassing presentation skills, online teaching, flipped classroom, small group sessions, SIM, and AI technologies. Electives focus on writing objectives, curriculum and assessment design, fostering inclusivity, and utilizing podcasts. A holistic approach to pedagogy, enhancing teaching proficiency and promoting inclusive learning environments.

Teacher as Leader

A comprehensive program integrating teaching dossier development, medical education research, and learning theories. Emphasis on professional learning plans, teacher evaluation, professionalism, unconscious bias, inclusivity, anti-racism, indigenous health, upstanding behaviors, and continuous quality improvement. Dedicated to fostering equitable, culturally sensitive, and high-quality educational practices in a diverse healthcare landscape.

Target Audience

  • Available to CSM full-time and clinical faculty. Resident applications may be considered, although faculty applications take precedence

  • For those who are passionate about teaching

  • For those looking to solidify fundamental teaching skills, learn relevant educational theory, and apply advanced knowledge in medical education

  • Applicants should already be involved in teaching  at the undergraduate, graduate, or postgraduate level

  • For those planning to pursue medical education as a major component of their careers

TEMEP Scavenger Hunt
TEMEP Scavenger Hunt
TEMEP Scavenger Hunt

What past participants are saying about this program...

"Hi Terri and Syl, I just wanted to say thank you for all your time and effort in putting together CSM TEP. The skills I learned in feedback, teaching methodology, and presenting I will use every day. I wish I had these skills 15-20 years ago. Kudos to you both in putting together such a tremendous program."

                - Dr. David Crockford 2021-2022

Thank you to all the staff who have made this program possible, especially Terri and Sylvain! I'm truly grateful for having the opportunity to participate in this program. I've learned a lot and am inspired to keep growing as a teacher and educational leader.

                - Dr. Sterling Sparshu

“I love this course, and I have wanted to do it for a while.  I feel it is highly valuable, and it is already changing my interactions with learners.  I feel lucky to have access to these programs for free!”

                -Dr. Rhonda Ness 2020-2021

"I am fascinated as I think of my (teaching) philosophy, did not think that it mattered. It has made me reflect in more detail of why I love teaching so much."

               - Dr. Yasmin Majeed 2020-2021

"Since I've started, I think I've been more intentional in my small group teaching in particular."

               -Dr. Carolyn Wong 2020-2021