Our mission is that every person feels like they thrive at the Cumming School of Medicine as their authentic self, and that our school reflects the diversity of the community we serve. To make sure this happens, we’re launching the You Belong Survey & Census.
Dr. Pamela Chu
Associate Dean, Precision Equity & Social Justice Office
Accessing the Survey & Census
Check your email inbox
A unique link to the survey will have been emailed to CSM students, staff, and faculty. Check your inbox for an email from "Cumming School of Medicine PESJO" with the subject line "CSM You Belong Survey". If you can't find the email, check your junk folder or email pesjo@ucalgary.ca
Fill out the survey & census
The survey & census are included in the same link. It will take approximately 15 minutes to compete. It doesn't need to be completed all at one time, but the survey link will only be active until March 31, 2025.
Win prizes!
Those who complete the survey can enter to win a prize draw with multiple prizes.
To enter the draw, click on the link provided at the end of the survey. This link will take you to another form (not connected to the survey) where you can enter your contact information. Your contact information will be used only for the purposes of administering the contest and will be securely destroyed after the prizes are awarded.

Frequently Asked Questions
- To examine the diversity of the student, staff, and faculty population at CSM as an institutional performance metric and accreditation standard
- To identify potential groups that may be under-represented that may benefit from future focus as part of institutional diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives
- To inform future delivery of programs, policies, education, or interventions designed to meet the diverse needs and or identified gaps in diversity at CSM and the University
- To understand the composition, experiences and sense of belonging of the students, staff, and faculty population at CSM
- To measure and report on CSM and the University’s progress in building a more equitable and inclusive campus, and for long term strategic planning and program evaluation purposes.
Completing this survey is voluntary. You can choose to skip any of the specific questions in the survey and can even withdraw your participation at the end of the survey. If, after submitting the survey, you change your mind about participating, you can contact the Precision Equity and Social Justice Office (PESJO) to remove your data up until end of day on March 31, 2025, when the survey closes and data will be analyzed.
We recognize the sensitive nature of the information being collected as part of the You Belong Survey. All survey responses will be collected using the secure Qualtrics software platform. All data will be kept confidential and stored in a secure environment with technical safeguards to prevent unauthorized access, use, disclosure or destruction of your personal information; including encryption, multi-factor authentication, access provisioning procedures, permission lists, and routine access controls.
Although we do not ask for survey participant names or specific identifiers, it is possible that by virtue of the nature of the questions asked or by virtue of a respondent’s unique characteristics, some respondents may be identifiable. However, access to the raw data collected on Qualtrics will be limited to only those individuals in CSM responsible for administering and analyzing the Survey for the Purposes outlined above.
All personal information collected through the You Belong Survey will be collected, used and disclosed in compliance with the University of Calgary’s Privacy Policy or as otherwise permitted by FOIP.
Have more questions, or can't find the link to the survey in your email? Contact us at pesjo@ucalgary.ca