Alternate Reporting Resources

Alternative (non-PESJO) reporting and support options for experiences of harassment, discrimination, and other incidents of wrongdoing. Community members are encouraged to report to wherever they feel safest doing so.

For imminent or life-threatening situations call 911. In situations where you feel unsafe call Campus Security at 403.220.5333

For all community members

University of Calgary Protected Disclosure and Research Integrity Office (PDRI Office) is a centralized resource to all members of the university community.  It is the central point of contact for dealing with allegations of a breach of the university’s Code of Conduct; or involving an allegation against faculty, volunteers or postdocs for a breach of any other university policy. The full process followed by the PDRI Office is outlined in the Protected Disclosure Procedure.

Individuals can report a concern to PESJO through an online form or by email. All submissions are completely confidential and the online form can be completed anonymously. Reports are reviewed by the Associate Dean, PESJO for review and/or action.

The Student Conduct Office works with all members of the campus community to provide confidential advice and referrals, resolve alleged student non-academic misconduct, and facilitate training on navigating and resolving various forms of conflict. 

It investigates and adjudicates alleged student misconduct that violates the Student Non-Academic Misconduct Policy, the Harassment Policy and/or the Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Policy. Any member of the university community who has observed or been subject to an alleged incident of Student Non-Academic Misconduct can report an incident.

ConfidenceLine is an external reporting mechanism which gives access to an independent third party that ensures your anonymity should you wish to report a wrongdoing.  An individual who makes a report through this avenue can call back to receive updates on the report. ConfidenceLine forwards reports on to the Protected Disclosure and Research Integrity Office for review and appropriate follow-up, and similarly receives updates from that office on the status of reports.

Student and learner supports

In addition to counseling, wellness, and academic support, the SAW Hub offers advocacy support with conflict resolution, and assistance navigating CSM structures.

The Indigenous Health Program is committed to supporting Indigenous learners and confronting issues faced by Indigenous people in the healthcare system and in our institution.

The Student Conduct Office works with all members of the campus community to provide confidential advice and referrals, resolve alleged student non-academic misconduct, and facilitate training on navigating and resolving various forms of conflict. 

It investigates and adjudicates alleged student misconduct that violates the Student Non-Academic Misconduct Policy, the Harassment Policy and/or the Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Policy. Any member of the university community who has observed or been subject to an alleged incident of Student Non-Academic Misconduct can report an incident.

In addition to medical and mental health services, offers peer support, sexual and gender-based violence support, and access to a variety of resources.

Students seeking wellness supports with an Indigenous lens can connect with a Student Support Advisor to access coordinated care. 

The Student Ombuds Office offers a safe place for all students of the University of Calgary to discuss student related issues, interpersonal conflict and academic and non-academic concerns.

This office welcomes all graduate students to discuss any matter impacting academic success in a safe and confidential space. The specialists also draw on training and experience in supporting some of the specific academic concerns of international graduate students.

UME learner-specific reporting

An online form can be used to report (anonymously if desired); incidents will be investigated by the associate dean.

Depending on the nature of the concern, could be addressed by course/clerkship chairs, assistant deans, leadership.

Committee representatives act as resources for medical students who have encountered professionalism issues at the CSM. The committee provides an online form for anonymous reporting.

PGME learner-specific reporting

The directors provide an avenue for confidential discussion of harassment, bullying or concerns about safety in the learning environment. Residents can contact the specific director whom they think would be most appropriate. Residents will usually receive a response within 24 hours.

More information is also available under “Safe Learning Environment Operating Standard” section in PGME Policies and Operating Standards

Each residency program has an ombudsman who promotes a positive and safe environment for residency education. The ombudsman also provides a confidential resource that residents may access to discuss personal, professional or program-related concerns.

The Resident Affairs offices offer a variety of services to support health and wellbeing to Postgraduate Medical Education learners during their training. This office can help residents address the variety of challenges encountered as a trainee including stress, burnout and support with mindfulness sessions.

Faculty & Staff-specific reporting

Reports can be made directly to a department head, institute director,  senior leadership or through human resources.

Reports can be made directly to a staff member’s supervisor, unit head, or to senior leadership. A formal complaint can be made with human resources.

The Labour Relations teams at the University of Calgary are responsible for promoting a productive labour relations environment; this includes providing advice, leading complex workplace investigations, and encouraging fair and equitable resolution of matters.

Faculty can seek support and file a grievance through TUCFA

AUPE staff can access additional supports and resources through the union, and members may file a grievance.

Staff and faculty may also access support and resources through the Office of Indigenous Engagement.

Postdoctoral Associate-specific reporting

PDAs may access additional supports through Human Resources

PDAs may access additional supports through Research at UCalgary