
Amyloidosis resources for clinicians and healthcare providers.

Working Together to Provide Comprehensive Care

The Amyloidosis Program of Calgary is a multi-specialty and multidisciplinary group of medical professionals dedicated to providing comprehensive care to amyloid patients of all subtypes within Calgary and surrounding regions.

Referring a Patient

Clinical services consist of multiple clinics and service locations across the Calgary Zone. Patients can be referred to any of the clinics or service locations listed within the Alberta Referral Directory “Amyloidosis Program of Calgary” profile depending on the patient’s predominant symptoms and/or suspected amyloidosis subtype. Clinicians within the program collaborate with one another, across specialties and clinics, to provide comprehensive care for this patient population.

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Resources For Your Patients

Transthyretin Amyloidosis Canada – Canadian ATTR amyloidosis patient support group
Canadian Amyloidosis Support Network – Canadian AL amyloidosis patient support group

Where To Find More Information

Amyloidosis Research Consortium  
Amyloidosis Alliance  
International Society of Amyloidosis  
Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders  
World Amyloidosis Day