
Enabling coordinated, comprehensive care for Amyloidosis.


The Amyloidosis Program of Calgary (APC) is dedicated to improving the well-being of those affected by amyloidosis through a range of programs and initiatives. Our focus on clinical care, research, education, and community engagement involves collaboration between multiple specialties and disciplines at the local, provincial and national level. By improving awareness of amyloidosis, promoting clinical expertise, enabling new discoveries and connecting patients with support resources, we aim to improve clinical outcomes related to this disease.

Our programs and initiatives are supported by the resources, facilities, and expertise available through the Calgary Zone of Alberta Health Services (AHS) and the University of Calgary.

Program Initiatives

We aim to promote a network of professionals dedicated to improving amyloidosis care at the regional, provincial and national levels.

Membership in our program fosters relationships within a multi-specialty and multi-disciplinary framework through monthly meetings with case-based discussion, research, education and program advancement activities.

If you’re interested in becoming an APC member, contact us for more information.

A provincial multi-specialty and multi-disciplinary group of healthcare professionals dedicated to standardizing and advancing care for amyloidosis patients within the province.

If you’re interested in becoming a member of the Amyloidosis Working Group, contact us for more information.

Currently in its early stages of development, a national society for amyloidosis is being established with the goal of uniting medical professionals across the country to form a professional organization dedicated to amyloidosis care.

If you’re interested in becoming a member of the Canadian Amyloidosis Society contact us for more information.