
Learn more about our wide-ranging education opportunities for medical professionals, trainees, patients and families.


Promoting Awareness, Collaboration, and Expertise

APC leads and supports numerous educational programs for healthcare professionals, patients, families, and medical trainees.  

This includes an annual multi-disciplinary conference (“Amyloid Day in Calgary”), resident and fellowship training programs and regular multi-disciplinary rounds. 

Our goal is to promote awareness, collaboration, and expertise in the field of amyloidosis. We aim to educate and inform healthcare professionals, patients, and their families on current  developments and resources available.

Educational Opportunities

This comprehensive one year fellowship offers a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in all aspects of managing patients with cardiac amyloidosis. The program incorporates sub-specialty clinical rotations, research opportunities, and dedicated teaching time.   

To learn more or to apply, visit the Cumming School of Medicine Post Graduate Medical Education (PGME) website or the Libin Cardiovascular Institute website


The Calgary Neuromuscular Fellowship provides comprehensive training in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of neuromuscular diseases including  amyloidosis. The program offers extensive instruction in nerve conduction studies and electromyography, as well as exposure to specialized neuromuscular clinics, longitudinal fellow clinics, and neuromuscular rehabilitation clinics. 

We offer one or two-year fellowships, both of which provide comprehensive training in the management of neuromuscular diseases. Our one-year fellowship is a clinically focused program, while our two-year fellowship includes a research or innovation component. 

To learn more or to apply, visit the Cumming School of Medicine Post Graduate Medical Education (PGME) website

Healthcare professionals have the opportunity to collaborate with leaders in the field and discuss complex amyloid-related cases during regular rounds at the local, provincial, and national levels (national rounds are currently under development). These rounds aim to improve patient care through expert consultation and increased awareness of this rare disease. In addition, they offer a platform to build connections with peers, trainees, and healthcare professionals in the amyloid space.

Our program facilitates medical rounds to foster collaboration, exchange ideas, and advance innovation in amyloid patient care across the country. 

If you are a medical professional and wish to learn more or participate in our medical rounds, please contact us. 

Amyloid Day

Amyloid Day in Calgary

Amyloid Day in Calgary is an annual scientific educational event for multidisciplinary health care professionals, patients, and caregivers. This event features both local experts and internationally renowned speakers discussing a variety of topics related to improving amyloidosis care.

Plans for Amyloid Day in Calgary 2024 are underway! Visit our events page for more information.

Click on the links below to learn about previous Amyloid Days.