We are a passionate and dedicated team of researchers, doctors, and patient partners who have made it our mission to improve the health and quality of life for all Canadians living with a chronic disease regardless of their age, ethnicity, or gender. Chronic conditions are the leading cause of death and disability worldwide. We understand the difficulties and complexities that come with managing a chronic condition let alone many conditions and, through our work, we strive to ease this burden.

We know that health care is complex and take into consideration factors that might impact treatment such as, such as location, education, and finances. Our collaboration and partnerships drive our research forward and together we can improve chronic disease care.

group of people working on a desk together

ICDC Advisory Committee

This committee will meet quarterly with the Executive committee to provide strategic guidance to the ICDC Executive Committee.

Group of business people working together

ICDC Executive Committee

This committee meets monthly to oversee current aspects of ICDC operations as well as new initiatives across the five pillars of ICDC activity (i. data science, access, and methods; ii. patient and community engagement; iii. implementation science and knowledge mobilization; iv. pragmatic clinical and health policy trials; v. training, mentorship, and capacity building.)

Team working group

ICDC Affiliated Researchers

Academic, institution-based researchers whose work aligns with ICDC objectives and pillars and may benefit from ICDC resources and expertise including data access and methods, patient engagement, implementation science, and knowledge mobilization (including connection to decision makers), pragmatic trial expertise, access for trainees to the training and mentorship program, and dissemination of research through the ICDC website and social media strategy.

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