Graduate Studies

Pursue a Graduate Degree in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Applications to BMB are possible year round.

Come study science in the Canadian Rocky Mountains! Research in our department is diverse, and at the forefront of many fields. Research interests span from biochemistry to molecular, cellular and developmental biology, genetics, immunology and bioinformatics, with applications to cancer and clinical research. Our departmental members are grouped into four "streams" with common research interests: Molecular and Developmental Genetics, Molecular Biology nad Disease, Genomics Proteomics and Bioinformatics and Cell Signalling and Structure. Additionally our faculty are members of the Faculty of Medicine's research-based Institutes and Centres.

Our department offers outstanding graduate training leading to M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees and postdoctoral training. Effective September 2022, guaranteed minimum stipends will be $27,000/$28,000 (domestic/international) for Ph.D. students and $25,000/$26,000 (domestic/international) for M.Sc. students. Doctoral (Ph.D.) students may be recruited on a Dean’ Distinguished Recruitment Scholarship / President’s Doctoral Recruitment Scholarship in Transdisciplinary Research. In this case, a minimum funding package of $34,000/$36,000 (domestic/international) is guaranteed for 4 years. 

Those with outstanding achievement or potential will be eligible for additional support through scholarships and subsidies.  

Students typically apply for admission into the program after identification of a supervisor. Students admitted to MSc and PhD programs must receive a funding guarantee from their supervisor. It is expected that, once a supervisor has been appointed, a graduate student will maintain the same supervision. The graduate program and the Faculty of Graduate Studies are not required to agree to alternative supervisory arrangements once a student is admitted to program. 

Calgary is a youthful, dynamic and friendly city. Situated one hour's drive from the Rocky Mountains, Calgary offers a wide variety of cultural, sporting and outdoor activities. Come to Calgary to be stimulated by the science and the scenery! 

Graduate Program Administrator
Phone: 403-210-7051