Mountains and Highway

Faculty Members

Primary Members

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Adjunct Members

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Emeritus Professors

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Primary Members

Zenobia Ali, Associate Professor (Teaching)zali@ucalgary.caView profile
Augusto Faria Andrade, Assistant Professoraugusto.fariaandrade@ucalgary.caView profile
Tara L. Beattie, Professortbeattie@ucalgary.caView profile
Pierre Billon, Assistant Professorpierre.billon@ucalgary.caView profile
Shirin Bonni, Professorsbonni@ucalgary.caView profile
Janice E.A. Braun, Professorbraunj@ucalgary.caView profile
George Chaconas, Professorchaconas@ucalgary.caView profile
Sarah Childs, Professor, Department Headschilds@ucalgary.caView profile
Aaron Goodarzi, Professora.goodarzi@ucalgary.caView profile
Savraj Grewal, Professorgrewalss@ucalgary.caView profile
Myriam Hemberger, Professormyriam.hemberger@ucalgary.caView profile
Peng Huang, Associate Professorhuangp@ucalgary.caView profile
Nicolas Jacquelot, Assistant Professornicolas.jacquelot@ucalgary.caView profile
Frank R. Jirik, Professorjirik@ucalgary.caView profile
Jason De Koning, Associate Professorjason.dekoning@ucalgary.caView profile
Roman Krawetz, Associate Professorrkrawetz@ucalgary.caView profile
Jong Bok Lee, Assistant ProfessorJongbok.lee@ucalgary.caView profile
Susan P. Lees-Miller, Professorleesmill@ucalgary.caView profile
Constance Li, Assistant Professor (Teaching) profile
Quan Long, Associate Professorquan.long@ucalgary.caView profile
Justin A. MacDonald, Professorjmacdo@ucalgary.caView profile
Sorana Morrissy, Assistant Professorsorana.morrissy@ucalgary.caView profile
Karl T. Riabowol, Professorkarl@ucalgary.caView profile
David Schriemer, Professordschriem@ucalgary.caView profile
Maja Tarailo-Graovac, Associate Professormaja.tarailograovac@ucalgary.caView profile
Jennifer Thompson, Associate Professorjennifer.thompson2@ucalgary.caView profile
Edwin Wang, profile
Gareth Williams, Associate Professorgareth.williams2@ucalgary.caView profile
Robin Yates, Professorrmyates@ucalgary.caView profile
Sabiha Zaman, Assistant Professorsnzaman@ucalgary.caView profile
Xi-Long Zheng, Professorxlzheng@ucalgary.caView profile

Joint Members

Tarek Bismar, Professortabismar@ucalgary.caView profile
Pinaki Bose, Assistant Professorpbose@ucalgary.caView profile
Wayne S.R. Chen, Professorswchen@ucalgary.caView profile
Ina Dobrinski, Professoridobrins@ucalgary.caView profile
Antoine Dufour, Assistant Professorantoine.dufour@ucalgary.caView profile
John Gilleard, Professorjsgillea@ucalgary.caView profile
Steven Greenway, Assistant Professorscgreenw@ucalgary.caView profile
Jiami Guo, Assistant Professorjiami.guo@ucalgary.caView profile
Carol Huang, Associate ProfessorCarol.Huang@albertahealthservices.caView profile
Christian J. Jacob, Professorcjacob@ucalgary.caView profile
Deborah M. Kurrasch, Professorkurrasch@ucalgary.caView profile
Alexander W. Lohman, Assistant Professoralex.lohman@ucalgary.caView profile
Douglas Mahoney, Associate Professordjmahone@ucalgary.caView profile
Greg Moorhead, Professormoorhead@ucalgary.caView profile
Aru Narendran, Professora.narendran@ucalgary.caView profile
Minh Dang Nguyen, Associate Professormdnguyen@ucalgary.caView profile
Ana Nikolic, Assistant Professornikolica@ucalgary.caView profile
Ralf Paschke, Professorralf.paschke@ucalgary.caView profile
Derrick Rancourt, Professorrancourt@ucalgary.caView profile
Raylene Reimer, Professorreimer@ucalgary.caView profile
Alexei Savchenko, Associate Professoralexei.savchenko@ucalgary.caView profile
Paul M. Schnetkamp, Professorpschnetk@ucalgary.caView profile
Anthony B. Schryvers, Professorschryver@ucalgary.caView profile
Jane Shearer, Professorjshearer@ucalgary.caView profile
Donna Slater, Professordmslater@ucalgary.caView profile
Yan Shi, Professoryshi@ucalgary.caView profile
Timothy Shutt, Assistant Professortimothy.shutt@ucalgary.caView profile
Laura Sycuro, Assistant ProfessorLaura.Sycuro@ucalgary.caView profile
Brent W. Winston, Professorbwinston@ucalgary.caView profile
Guang Yang, Assistant Professorguang.yang2@ucalgary.caView profile

Adjunct Members

Javier Alfaro, Adjunct Assistant 
Mayi Arcellana-Panlilio, Senior Instructormyarcell@ucalgary.caView profile
Michael Brain, Honorary Research Professorbrain@ucalgary.caView profile
John Chik, Adjunct Assistant Professorjchik@mtroyal.caView profile
Jennifer A. Cobb, Adjunct Professorjcobb@ucalgary.caView profile
Tao Dong, Adjunct Professortdong@ucalgary.caView profile
Marvin J. Fritzler, Adjunct Professorfritzler@ucalgary.caView profile
Lashitew Gedamu, Adjunct Professor  |  |  View profile  
Sabine Gilch, Adjunct Associate Professor  |  |  View profile  
Kostas Iatrou, Adjunct Professor  |  |  View profile  
FuiBoon Kai, Adjunct Professor  |  |  View profile  
David C.W. Lau, Adjunct Professor  |  |  View profile  
Jonathan Lytton, Professorjlytton@ucalgary.caView profile
Kenneth Ng, Adjunct Associate Professor  |  |  View profile  
Carol J. Schuurmans, Adjunct Professor  |  |  View profile  
Thierry Chekouo Tekougang, Adjunct Assistant Professor  |  |  View profile  
Joseph Tucker, Adjunct Assistant Professor  |  |  View profile  
Peter Vize, Adjunct Professor  |  |  View profile  
David M. Waisman, Adjunct Professor  |  |  View profile  
James Wasmuth, Adjunct Associate Professor  |  |  View profile  
Andreas Wissmann, Adjunct Assistant Professor  |  |  View profile  
Samuel Yeaman, Adjunct Associate Professor  |  |  View profile  
Franz Zemp, Adjunct Assistant Professor  |  |  View profile  
Qingrun Zhang, Adjunct Assistant Professor  |  |  View profile  

Emeritus and Retired Professors

Mayi Arcellana-Panlilio,Emeritus Professor
Fred G. Biddle, Emeritus Professor
William J. Brook, Emeritus Associate Professor
Leon W. Browder, Emeritus Professor
Julie P. Deans, Emeritus Professor
Don J. Fujita, Emeritus Professor
H. Joseph Goren, Emeritus Professor
Roy Gravel, Emeritus Professor
Randal N. Johnston, Emeritus Professor
Jonathan Lytton, Emeritus Professor
Paul E. Mains, Emeritus Professor
James D. McGhee, Emeritus Professor
Jerome B. Rattner, Emeritus Professor
Gilbert A. Schultz, Emeritus Professor
Floyd F. Snyder, Emeritus Professor
J. Hans Van de Sande, Emeritus Professor
Frans A. van der Hoorn, Emeritus Professor
Michael P. Walsh, Emeritus Professor
Dallan B. Young, Emeritus Professor