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To ensure that you acquire adequate knowledge and develop your technical skills, your performance is monitored carefully during the course of the Neuroradiology Fellowship. You are evaluated formally by your supervising faculty members after each clinical rotation. Multisource feedback on trainee performance is also received from different sources.

The Calgary Neuroradiology Program provides electronic platform-based educational material to our Fellows each month. The Learning Cases include select images and Short Answer Questions (SAQ) and/or Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQ). These cases have been prepared to reflect a spectrum of topics across brain, spine, and head and neck imaging and intervention that are encountered during our program’s rotations. Non-interpretive SAQ/MCQ learning topics are included as well.

Our program schedules a practice written SAQ/MCQ examination each year to help assess the Fellow’s clinical competence and readiness to enter clinical practice. Fellows have described these monthly Learning Cases and practice exams as very helpful during their preparation for writing the Royal College certification examination, if that is one of their intended goals.

Fellows also regularly evaluate the faculty to ensure that your educational needs are being met.