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Science Communication Certificate Program

Improve your science communication skills and your graduate school experience by participating in the first ever certificate program in science communication at UCalgary

Program Description

The Science Communication Certificate Program offers you an opportunity to develop science communication expertise and skills that are relevant across disciplines in postsecondary education. 

Throughout the program, you’ll develop skills and confidence in writing, speaking and creating visuals to communicate science. You’ll also document your understanding of teaching and learning into a robust dossier that reflects your evolving experience, goals and skills.

We are preparing to run the Video, Written, and Verbal badges in Winter 2024. You can read about the others and see which badges will be offered next. This is a continuous enrolment program designed to give you flexibility in how you decide to structure your learning. Registration for badges will start very soon, so keep your eyes peeled. Thank you for your interest!

The goal of this certificate is to empower University of Calgary graduate students to use exceptional communication while they pursue diverse career paths in academia, government, industry and non-profit to gain essential teaching and learning skills and knowledge. 

Important Information

Winter 2024 badge offerings:

  • Written Science Communication
  • Video Science Communication
  • Verbal Science Comunication

Current badge completion requirements apply whether you have taken face-to-face or remote courses.

Click here to view the technology requirements for students taking online, remote and blended courses.

To apply for the Certificate, you must have completed a minimum of four badges from this program.


You will learn to

  • Articulate your science to any audience in any capacity comfortably
  • Use your writing skills in a variety of manners that include better grant writing, lay abstract writing, pop science articles, and journal articles.
  • Visualize your science in a way that is easy for people of all backgrounds to understand
  • Create videos to depict your science in a fun and educational way



  • Utilize social media in a beneficial way to empower your research and the scientific community
  • Be able to spread information about science to others in a constructive and positive way
  • Interact with people of all backgrounds to elevate science and bring your research to a wider audience

Program Format

Badges are digital icons with embedded information about when, where and how they were earned. These microcredentials provide a visual record of achievement, and can be combined with a portfolio to allow users to demonstrate their learning in ways other than traditional credit course work. More information on badges can be found at UCalgary Badges.

Basics of Scicomm Badge

Basics of Science Communication Badge

This program is an exciting new training opportunity in science communication is being offered to graduate students and post-docs. Each week is a different topic, including how to identify an audience, how to tell a story, writing for different audiences including the layman's abstract, writing for public consumption, visuals and graphics, oral communication and pitches, and social media.


Our last offering was in the Fall of 2023. Stay tuned for more info and our next registration cycle!

Video Science Communication

Video Science Communication

Last Offering: Winter 2024

Video communication is becoming a big part of our world. TikTok, Instagram, and many other social media platforms are adopting short videos as a major form of communicating. Learning how to record, edit, and produce film is important now more than ever. In this badge, learn from experts in the field on how best to interview, make your shot list, edit your film, and create something fun to watch.

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Verbal Science Communication

Verbal Science Communication

Current Offering: June 7 - July 12, 2024

Speaking at conferences, giving poster presentations, talking at lab meetings; all of these situations are common for graduate students, but very few are comfortable with it. In collaboration with the Loose Moose Theatre and improv coach Dennis Cahill, this badge is focused on getting you more comfortable speaking publicly through the thrill of theatre improvisation.

Registration is open!

Written Scicomm Badge

Written Science Communication

Next Offering: Winter 2024

Scientific articles, pop science, and graduate theses are all examples of science writing. Writing is probably one of the most common practices for any graduate student, which is why being comfortable with it is essential. Learn from professional writers and published authors about how to improve your writing and get published.

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Visual Science Communication Badge

Visual Science Communication

Our last offering was in the Fall of 2023. Stay tuned for more info and our next registration cycle!

Visual portrayals of science are found everywhere. Learning how to depict your science in an effective and appealing way is essential for any scientist, especially graduate students. This badge focuses on the principles of design and how to use them for your science.

Badge Website