Pathologists' Assistant
The Master of Pathologists’ Assistant program is a course-based professional master’s degree that can lead to direct employment within a pathology laboratory as a Pathologists’ Assistant. Our program is NAACLS accredited, which allows our graduates to qualify for the ASCP and CCCPA examinations required to apply for jobs across North America. Through hands on experience in high paced medical laboratories students learn to perform tasks, such as the dissection of surgical specimens and autopsies, under the direct supervision of a Pathologist. Attention to detail, problem solving and collaborative skills are essential to successful completion of the course-based program.
This program is affiliated directly with the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.
Course-based Program
The Master of Pathologists' Assistant (MDPA) program is a twenty-one (21) month continuous (not including holidays) course-based masters program that includes both in-class work alongside practicum components.
All students are considered full-time. Part-time status may be considered and must be approved by the Graduate Program Director.
For additional program details including admission requirements and program and tuition fees, please review further details here.
Lesley Towill
Graduate Program Administrator
For Current Students:
For Prospective Students:
Travis Ogilvie, Associate Professor
NAACLS - Medical Director
University of Calgary - Graduate Program Director
Bill Gorday, Clinical Assistant Professor
NAACLS - Program Director
University of Calgary - Assistant Graduate Program Director
The University of Calgary launched a new Pathologists' Assistant (PA) M.Sc. training program as a specialization within the Medical Sciences Graduate Program starting July 2012. In 2015 the Master of Pathologists' Assistant program was fully approved through the University of Calgary and Alberta Government to start taking students in September 2016.
Accrediting Body
The National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS), an American agency that accredits training programs of allied health professionals who work in anatomic pathology or clinical pathology laboratories, has approved the program. NAACLS approval is based upon a formal evaluation process demonstrating that the program appears to meet all requirements for formal accreditation, which the program has obtained.
Our program is currently accredited by NAACLS
NAACLS 5600 N. River Rd, Suite 720 Rosemont IL 60018-5119;
ph: 773.714.8880; fx: 773.714.8886;
Career Prospects
After graduation, students are eligible to sit the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) PA board-certification examination and the Canadian Council of Pathologists' Assistant (CCCPA) PA certification examination. To maximize job options on both sides of the border, we strongly recommend that graduates sit both examinations.
Program Success Statistics
University of Calgary Pathologists’ Assistant Program Data
Graduation Year | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Graduation Rate | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Attrition Rate | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
CCCPA-CCCAP Exam Pass Rate | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 83% | Pending** |
ASCP-BOC Exam Pass Rate | NA* | 100% | N/A* | 100% | 100% | Pending** |
Employment Placement Rate | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 88%*** |
CCCPA-CCCAP- Canadian Certification Council of Pathologists. Data is based on first time test takers writing the test within one year of graduation.
ASCP-BOC- American Society for Clinical Pathology-Board of Certification. Data is based on first time test takers writing the test within one year of graduation.
***One graduate did not find employment immediately after graduation but is waiting for a position in a very specific geographical area.
Pending** - Data is based on first time test takers writing the test within one year of graduation. Students complete the program at the end of June and this field will be updated periodically until one year after graduation. At this time there is no data to report.
* Graduates in this cohort chose not to write either the CCCPA-CCCAP or ASCP-BOC exam within one year of graduation. In Canada, PA certification is not yet required by many institutions to work as a Pathologists’ Assistant so graduates can work without writing the exams.