Conference Proceedings
Conference Proceedings
D. Labib, A. Satriano, S. Dykstra, Y. Mikami, E. Prosia, P. Feuchter, J. A. Flewitt, S. Rivest, R. Sandonato, A. G. Howarth, C. Lydell, R. Miller, L. R. Kolman, I. Paterson, G. Oudit, E. Pituskin, W. Cheung, J. Lee, and J. A. White. Baseline left ventricular contractile state is the strongest determinant of future drops in ejection fraction from cardiotoxic chemotherapy: a machine learning based CMR study. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 79(9, Supplement):1943, 2022.
L. Lei, S. Dykstra, Y. Mikami, A. Cornhill, A. Satriano, D. S. Chew, J. A. Flewitt, S. Rivest, R. Sandonato, M. Seib, C. Lydell, A. G. Howarth, H. Quan, N. M. Fine, J. Lee, and J. White. Machine learning based prediction of cardiac-related hospitalization costs at time of diagnostic imaging: demonstration of value from multi-domain phenotypic data at time of cardiovascular MRI. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 79(9, Supplement):1297, 2022.
D. Labib, S. Dykstra, A. Satriano, Y. Mikami, E. Prosia, J. Flewitt, A. G. Howarth, C. P. Lydell, L. Kolman, D. I. Paterson, G. Y. Oudit, E. Pituskin, W. Y. Cheung, J. Lee, and J. A. White. Prevalence and predictors of right ventricular dysfunction in cancer patients treated with cardiotoxic chemotherapy - a prospective cardiovascular magnetic resonance study. European Heart Journal, 42(Supplement1): ehab724.2878, 2021.
Z. Shakeri Hossein Abad and J. Lee. Detecting uncertainty of mortality prediction using confident learning. The 2021 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 1719-1722, 2021.
M. Al-Jefri, J. Lee, and M. James. Predicting acute kidney injury after surgery. The 2020 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 5606-5609, 2020.
A. Kline, T. Kline, Z. Shakeri Hossein Abad, and J. Lee. Novel feature selection for artificial intelligence using item response theory for mortality prediction. The 2020 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 5729-5732, 2020.
F. Lucini, K. Fiest, H. T. Stelfox, and J. Lee. Delirium prediction in the intensive care unit: a temporal approach. The 2020 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 5527-5530, 2020.
Z. Shakeri Hossein Abad, A. Kline, and J. Lee. Evaluation of machine learning-based patient outcome prediction using patient-specific difficulty and discrimination indices. The 2020 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 5446-5449, 2020.
D. Labib, A. Satriano, S. Dykstra, Y. Mikami, Z. Slavikova, P. Feuchter, S. Rivest, R. Sandonato, J. Flewitt, A. G. Howarth, B. Heydari, C. Lydell, B. Clarke, L. Kolman, E. Pituskin, W. Cheung, J. Lee, and J. A. White. Chamber volumes and deformation measures are abnormal in chemotherapy-naive cancer patients: potential implications for surveillance and definitions of cardiotoxicity. Circulation, 142(Suppl 3):A15877, 2020.
D. Labib, S. Dykstra, Z. Slavikova, P. Feuchter, S. Rivest, J. Flewitt, A. Howarth, B. Heydari, C. Lydell, B. Clarke, L. Kolman, E. Pituskin, W. Cheung, J. Lee, and J. A. White. Value of baseline clinical and CMR characteristics for the prediction of cancer therapeutics-related cardiac dysfunction: results from the Cardiotoxicity Prevention Research Initiative (CAPRI). European Heart Journal, 41(Supplement 2):ehaa946.3290, 2020.
L. Lei, S. Dykstra, A. Cornhill, D. Labib, Y. Mikami, A. Satriano, J. Flewitt, P. Feutcher, A. Howarth, B. Heydari, N. Merchant, C. Lydell, J. Lee, H. Quan, J. A. White. Development and validation of a risk model for the prediction of cardiovascular hospital admission using CMR-based phenotype in patients with known or suspected cardiovascular disease. European Heart Journal, 41(Supplement 2):ehaa946.2917, 2020.
A. K. Cornhill, S. Dykstra, Y. Mikami, J. Flewitt, M. Seib, K. Yee, P. D. Faris, C. Lydell, A. Howarth, B. Heydari, J. Lee, and J. White. Multivariable risk score based prediction of heart failure admission or death in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy using CMR-based markers. The 23rd Annual Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Scientific Sessions, 121-123, 2020.
A. K. Cornhill, S. Dykstra, Y. Mikami, J. Flewitt, M. Seib, K. Yee, P. D. Faris, C. Lydell, A. Howarth, B. Heydari, J. Lee, and J. White. Prediction of heart failure admission or death using a novel CMR-based risk score in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. The 23rd Annual Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Scientific Sessions, 269-271, 2020.
D. Labib, S. Dykstra, Z. Slavikova, Y. Mikami, K. Yee, J. Flewitt, M. Seib, S. Rivest, R. Sandonato, A. Satriano, B. Heydari, A. Howarth, C. Lydell, P. D. Faris, E. Pituskin, W. Y. Cheung, J. Lee, and J. White. Chamber volumes, mass and ejection fraction in cancer patients immediately prior to chemotherapy administration: is baseline really normal in this referral population? The 23rd Annual Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Scientific Sessions, 858-860, 2020.
D. Labib, S. Dykstra, Z. Slavikova, Y. Mikami, K. Yee, J. Flewitt, M. Seib, S. Rivest, R. Sandonato, A. Satriano, B. Heydari, A. Howarth, C. Lydell, P. D. Faris, E. Pituskin, W. Y. Cheung, J. Lee, and J. White. Influence of modality-based threshold criteria on the diagnosis of cancer therapeutics-related cardiac dysfunction (CTRCD): what is the correct threshold for CMR? The 23rd Annual Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Scientific Sessions, 1486-1488, 2020.
A. K. Cornhill, S. Dykstra, Y. Mikami, J. Flewitt, M. Seib, P. Faris, M. James, C. Lydell, A. Howarth, B. Heydari, N. Fine, D. V. Exner, J. Lee, and J. White. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging-based multivariable risk score for the prediction of heart failure admission or death. Circulation, 140(Suppl1):A15023, 2019.
A. Sharafoddini, J. A. Dubin, and J. Lee. Finding similar patient subpopulations in the ICU using laboratory test ordering patterns. The 2018 7th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Science (ICBBS), 72-77, 2018.
M. A. H. Zahid and J. Lee. Mortality prediction with self-normalizing neural networks in intensive care unit patients. The 2018 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, 226-229, 2018.
N. Tran and J. Lee. Using multiple sentiment dimensions of nursing notes to predict mortality in the intensive care unit. The 2018 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, 283-286, 2018.
J. Lee. Personalized mortality prediction for the critically ill using a patient similarity metric and bagging. The 2016 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, 332-335, 2016.
Z. Zhang, J. Lee, D. J. Scott, L. Lehman, and R. G. Mark. A research infrastructure for real-time evaluation of predictive algorithms for intensive care units. The 2013 ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering, 109-114, 2013.
L. Lehman, M. Saeed, W. Long, J. Lee, and R. Mark. Risk stratification of ICU patients using topic models inferred from unstructured progress notes. The 2012 American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium, 505-511, 2012.
J. Lee, D. J. Scott, M. Villarroel, G. D. Clifford, M. Saeed, and R. G. Mark. Open-access MIMIC-II database for intensive care research. The 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 8315-8318, 2011.
I. Silva, J. Lee, and R. Mark. Photoplethysmograph quality estimation through multichannel filtering. The 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 4361-4364, 2011.
J. Lee and R. G. Mark. A hypotensive episode predictor for intensive care based on heart rate and blood pressure time series. Computing in Cardiology, 37:81-84, 2010.