Med Ed Journal Club Archives 2020-21

Please see dates below to access articles and session recordings:

26 April 2021

Janice Carello MA LMSW & Lisa D. Butler PhD (2014) Potentially Perilous Pedagogies: Teaching Trauma Is Not the Same as Trauma-Informed Teaching, Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 15:2, 153-168, DOI: 10.1080/15299732.2014.867571

Williams Betsy White PhD, MPH; Welindt Dillon; Hafferty Frederic W. PhD; Stumps Anna; Flanders
Phillip PhD; Williams Michael V. PhD.  Adverse Childhood Experiences in Trainees and Physicians With Professionalism Lapses: Implications for Medical Education and Remediation. Acad Med. 2020 Jun 9. DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000003532

Aneesah McClinton & Cato T. Laurencin.  Just in TIME: Trauma-Informed Medical Education. J Racial Ethn Health Disparities.. 2020 Dec;7(6):1046-1052.  doi: 10.1007/s40615-020-00881-w. Epub 2020 Oct 1.


12 April 2021

McCaroll M, Ahmed R, Schwartz A, Gothard M, Atkinson S, Hughes P, Brito J, Assad L, George R.  Medical judgement analogue studies with applications to spaceflight crew medical officer.  MJ Simul Technol Enhanc Learn. 2017 Oct;3(4):163-168.doi: 10.1136/bmjstel-2017-000210. Epub 2017 Jun 29.

Croskerry P, Petrie D, Reilly J, Tait G.  Deciding about fast and slow decisions. Acad Med. 2014 Feb;89(2):197-200.  doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000121.

Thirsk R.  Physicians as Astronauts. Mcgill J Med. 2011 Jun; 13(2): 69. Published online 2011 Jun. PMCID: PMC3277415 PMID: 22363198

Saint-Jacques D.  Medical Care in the Arctic and on Orbit. Mcgill J Med. 2011 Jun; 13(2): 66. Published online 2011 Jun. PMCID: PMC3277410 PMID: 22363197



29 March 2021

Kenny S, McInnes M, Singh V.  Associations between residency selection strategies and doctor performance: a meta-analysis.  Medical Education 2013; 47: 790–800. doi: 10.1111/medu.12234

Cullen M, Zhang C, Marcus-Blank B, Braman J , Tiryaki E , Konia M , Hunt M, Lee MS , Van Heest A , Englander R, Sackett P, & AndrewsJS.  Improving Our Ability to Predict Resident Applicant Performance: Validity Evidence for a Situational Judgment Test. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 2020, 32:5, 508-521, DOI: 10.1080/10401334.2020.1760104


22 March 2021

Lohre R, Bois A, Pollock JW, Lapner P, McIlquham K, Athwal G, Goel D.  Effectiveness of Immersive Virtual Reality on Orthopedic Surgical Skills and Knowledge Acquisition Among Senior Surgical Residents A Randomized Clinical Trial.  JAMA Network Open. 2020;3(12):e2031217. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.31217

Roswell R, Coqburn C, Tocco J, Martinez J, Bangeranye C, Bailenson J, Wright M, Mieres J, Smith L.  Cultivating Empathy Through Virtual Reality: Advancing Conversations About Racism, Inequity, and Climate in Medicine. Academic Medicine, Vol. 95, No. 12 / December 2020, 1882-1886.


15 March 2021

Schindel T, Yuksel N, Breault N, Daniels J, Varnhagen S, Hughes C.  Pharmacists' learning needs in the era of expanding scopes of practice: Evolving practices and changing needs.  Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy Volume 15, Issue 4, April 2019, Pages 448-458

Olsen A, Minshew L, Morbitzer K, Brock T, McLaughlin J.  Emerging Innovations and Professional Skills Needed Within Pharmacy Curricula.   Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development. Volume 7: 1–5.



8 March 2021

Huffman B, Hafferty F, Bhagra A, Leasure E, Santivasi W, Sawatsky A.  Resident impression management within feedback conversations:  a qualitative study.  Medical Education. 2020;55:266–274. DOI: 10.1111/medu.14360

Molloy E, Ajjawi R, Bearman M, Noble C, Rudland J, Ryan A.  Challenging feedback myths: Values, learner involvement and promoting effects beyond the immediate task  Medical Education. 2020;54:33–39.  DOI: 10.1111/medu.13802 



1 March 2021

Mylopoulos M,  Woods N.  When I say...adaptive expertise.  MEDICAL EDUCATION 2017 51: 685–686.

Cutrer WB,  Miller B, Pusic MV,  Mejicano G, Mangrulkar RS, Gruppen LD, Hawkins RE, Skochelak SE, Moore Jr DE.  Fostering the Development of Master Adaptive Learners: A Conceptual Model to Guide Skill Acquisition in Medical Education.  Academic Medicine, Vol. 92, No. 1 / January 2017. 


22 February 2021

Ng S, Wright SR, Kuper A.  The Divergence and Convergence of Critical Reflection and Critical Reflexivity: Implications for Health Professions Education.  Acad Med. 2019 Aug;94(8):1122-1128. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000002724.

Varpio L, O'Brien B, Rees C, Monrouxe L, Ajjawi R, Paradis E.  The applicability of generalisability and bias to health professions education's research.  Med Educ.  2021 Feb;55(2):167-173. doi: 10.1111/medu.14348. Epub 2020 Sep 27. PMID: 32779251 DOI: 10.1111/medu.14348


8 February 2021

Artino Jr. A, Durning S, Boule J.  AM last page: generalizability in medical education research. Acad Med. 2011 Jul;86(7):917. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e31821fb99e. PMID: 21715999.  DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e31821fb99e

Kreiter C, Ferguson K.  An Investigation of the Generalizability of Medical School Grades.  Teaching & Learning in Medicine.  Pages 279-285 | Received 04 Nov 2015, Accepted 09 Feb 2016, Published online: 19 Apr 2016.

St-Onge C, Frenette E, Cote D, De Champlain A.  Multiple tutorial-based assessments: a generalizability study.  BMC Medical Education volume 14, Article number: 30 (2014)


1 February 2021

Tavakol M, Brennan R.  Medical education assessment: a brief overview of concepts in generalizability theoryInt J Med Educ. 2013; 4: 221–222.. Published online 2013 Sep 11. doi: 10.5116/ijme.5278.a850. PMCID: PMC4205529

Kreiter C, Bibler Zaidi N.  Generalizability Theory's Role in Validity Research: Innovative Applications in Health Science Education.  Health Prof Ed.  Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2020, Pages 282-290.


25 January 2021

Ellaway R.  Mixed methods, crimes, and misdemeanours. Advances in Health Sciences Education.  Published: 03 September 2020 volume 25, pages777–779(2020)

Reisinger Walker E, Lang D, Caruso B, Salas-Hernandez L.  Role of team dynamics in the learning process: a mixed-methods evaluation of a modified team-based learning approach in a behavioral research methods courseAdvances in Health Sciences Education.  18 October 2019.  volume 25, pages 383–399.

Martin S, Tulia K, Meltzer D, Arora V, Farnan J.  Attending Physician Remote Access of the Electronic Health Record and Implications for Resident Supervision: A Mixed Methods Study.  J Grad Med Educ (2017) 9 (6): 706–713.


18 January 2021

Atalay A, Osman N, Krupat E, Erik K.  Building Longitudinal Relationships Into a Traditional Block Clerkship Model:  A Mixed-Methods Study.  Academic Medicine: October 27, 2020 - Volume Publish Ahead of Print - Issue doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000003810

Lau J, Mazer L, Liebert C, Bereknyei Merrell S, Lin D, Harris I.  A Mixed-Methods Analysis of a Novel Mistreatment Program for the Surgery Core Clerkship.  Acad Med. 2017 Jul;92(7):1028-1034. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000001575.


11 January 2021

Violato C, Hecker K.  How to use structural equation modeling in medical education research: a brief guide.  Teach Learn Med. Fall 2007;19(4):362-71. doi: 10.1080/10401330701542685.

Brown A, Hecker K, Bok H.  Strange Bedfellows: Exploring Methodological Intersections Between Realist Inquiry and Structural Equation Modeling.  Journal of Mixed Methods Research.  Published on-line November 9, 2020.

Brown A, Atchison K, Hecker K, Kassam A.  A Tale of Four Programs: How Residents Learn About Quality Improvement during Postgraduate Medical Education at the University of Calgary. Teach Learn Med​​​. 2020 Nov 19;1-17. doi: 10.1080/10401334.2020.1847652. Online ahead of print.



14 December 2020

Indigenous Research Methods:  A Systematic Review.  Drawson A, Toombs E, Mushquash C.  The International Indigenous Policy Journal.  Vol 8.  Issue 2.  April 2017.  DOI: 10.18584/iipj.2017.8.2.5.

Ten principles relevant to health research among Indigenous Australian populations.  Jamieson L, Paradies Y, Eades S, Chong A, Maple-Brown L, Morris P, Cass A, Roberts-Thomson K, Brown A.  Med J Aust. . 2012 Jul 2;197(1):16-8. doi: 10.5694/mja11.11642.

This session was not recorded.

7 December 2020

Yeung S, Bombay A, Walker C, Denis J, Martin D, Sylvestre P, Castleden H.  Predictors of medical student interest in Indigenous health learning and clinical practice: a Canadian case study.  MC Med Educ.  2018 Dec 14;18(1):307. doi: 10.1186/s12909-018-1401-1.

Hojjati A, Beavis A, Kassam A, Choudhury D, Fraser M, Masching R, Nixon S.  Educational content related to postcolonialism and indigenous health inequities recommended for all rehabilitation students in Canada: a qualitative study.  Disability and Rehabilitation Volume 40, 2018 - Issue 26. pages 3206-3216 |  Published online: 02 Oct 2017


30 November 2020

Imagining alternative professional identities: reconfiguring professional boundaries between nursing students and medical students. Langendyk V, Hegazi I, Cowin L, Johnson M, Wilson I.  Acad Med Jun;90(6):732-7.  PMID: 25901875DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000714

Knowing Your Limits: A Qualitative Study of Physician and Nurse Practitioner Perspectives on NP Independence in Primary Care.  Kraus E, DuBois J.  J Gen Intern Med. 2017 Mar; 32(3): 284–290.Published online 2016 Oct 31. doi: 10.1007/s11606-016-3896-7


23 November 2020

"Lay Person" or "Health Expert"? Exploring Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Reflexivity in Qualitative Health Research.  Bolam B, Gleeson K, Murphy S. Forum:  Qualitative Social Research.  Vol 4, No 2. 2003. 

Body pedagogics: embodied learning for the health professions.  Kelly M, Ellaway R, Scherpbier A, King N, Dornan T. Med Educ. 2019 Oct;53(10):967-977. doi: 10.1111/medu.13916. Epub 2019 Jun 19. PMID: 31216603

Family Physicians' Experiences of Physical Examination.  Kelly M, Freeman L, Dornan T.  Ann Fam Med. 2019 Jul;17(4):304-310. doi: 10.1370/afm.2420.

This session was not recorded.

16 November 2020

The impact of selected contextual factors on experts’ clinical reasoning performance (does context impact clinical reasoning performance in experts?).  Durning S, Artino A, Boulet J, Dorrance K, van der Vleuten C, Schuwirth L.  Advances in Health Sciences Education volume 17, pages 65–79(2012)

Challenges in mitigating context specificity in clinical reasoning: a report and reflection.  Konopasky A, Durning S, Battista A, Artino A, Ramani D, Haynes Z, Woddard C, Torre D.  Diagnosis (Berl). 2020 Aug 27;7(3):291-297.doi: 10.1515/dx-2020-0018.


9 November 2020

Deliberate Practice and Skill Acquisition in Nursing Practice.  Welch T, Carter M. J Contin Educ Nurs. 2018 Jun 1;49(6):269-273. doi: 10.3928/00220124-20180517-07.  PMID: 29847685

Exploring deliberate practice in medicine: how do physicians learn in the workplace?  van de Wiel M, Van den Bossche P, Janssen S, Jossberger H. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Prac.  2011 Mar; 16(1): 81–95. Published online 2010 Sep 18. doi: 10.1007/s10459-010-9246-3

Mastery Learning With Deliberate Practice in Medical Education.  McGaghie W, Barsuk J, Wayne D.   Academic Medicine: November 2015 - Volume 90 - Issue 11 - p 1575. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000876


2 November 2020

Learning Curves in Health Professions Education.  Pusic M, Boutis K, Hatala R, Cook D.   Academic Medicine: August 2015 - Volume 90 - Issue 8 - p 1034-1042  doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000681

Using Learning Curves to Identify and Explain Growth Patterns of Learners in Bronchoscopy Simulation - A Mixed Methods Study.  Mema B, Mylopoulos M, Tekian A, Park YS.  Academic Medicine: July 14, 2020 - Volume Publish Ahead of Print - Issue - doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000003595

This session was not recorded.

26 October 2020

Learner, Patient, and Supervisor Features Are Associated With Different Types of Cognitive Load During Procedural Skills Training: Implications for Teaching and Instructional Design.  Sewell J, Christy K, Young JQ, Ten Cate O, O'Sullivan P.  Academic Medicine: November 2017 - Volume 92 - Issue 11 - p 1622-1631.

Trainee perception of cognitive load during observed faculty staff teaching of procedural skills.  Sewell J, Young JQ, Boscardin C, Ten Cate O, O'Sullivan P.  Med Educ. 2019 Sep;53(9):925-940. doi: 10.1111/medu.13914. Epub 2019 Jun 9.



19 October 2020

Aiming Beyond Competent: The Application of the Taxonomy of Significant Learning to Medical Education. Branzetti J, Gisondi M, Hopson L, Regan L.   Aug-Sep 2019;31(4):466-478. doi: 10.1080/10401334.2018.1561368. Epub 2019 Jan 27.

The lecture-free curriculum: Setting the stage for life-long learning: AMEE Guide No. 135.  Parmalee D, Roman B, Overman I, Alizadeh M.  2020 Sep;42(9):962-969. doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2020.1789083. Epub 2020 Jul 9.



5 October 2020

Instructional design quality in medical Massive Open Online Courses for integration into campus education.  Hendriks R, de Jong P, Admiraal W, Reinders M.  Med Teach. 2020 Feb;42(2):156-163. doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2019.1665634. Epub 2019 Sep 30.

Teaching modes and social-epistemological dimensions in medical Massive Open Online Courses: Lessons for integration in campus education.  Hendriks R, de Jong P, Admiraal W, Reinders M.  Med Teach. 2019 Aug;41(8):917-926. doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2019.1592140. Epub 2019 Apr 22.


28 September 2020

Supporting Resident and Health Care Worker Mental Health in a Pandemic: A Multifaceted Approach. Slavin S, Konopasek L, Ripp J, Brigham T.  Journal of Graduate Medical Education In-Press.

Physician Burnout, Interrupted.  Hartzbrand P, Groopman.  N Engl J Med. J2020 Jun 25;382(26):2485-2487. doi: 10.1056/NEJMp2003149. Epub 2020 May 1.

Reclaiming physician identity: It’s time to integrate ‘Doctor as Person’ into the CanMEDS framework.  Can Med Educ J. 2020 Aug; 11(4): e97–e99.  Published online 2020 Aug 6. Prepublished online 2020 Apr 22.

This session was not recorded.

21 September 2020

Abolition Medicine.  Iwai Y, Khan Z, DasGupta S.  Lancet. 2020 18-24 July; 396(10245): 158–159.  Published online 2020 Jul 16. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31566-  PMID: 32682471

Navigating systemic racism in Canadian healthcare.  IroanyahN, Cyr M.  HealthDebate Articles.  July 13, 2020.

An Institutional Approach to Fostering Inclusion and Addressing Racial Bias: Implications for Diversity in Academic Medicine.  Diaz T, Navarro JR, Chen E.  Teaching and Learning in Medicine.  Vol 32, 2020.  Issue 1.  Pages 110-116 | Published online: 28 Sep 2019.


14 September 2020

The Transformational Effects of COVID-19 on Medical Education.  Catherine R. Lucey, MD1S. Claiborne Johnston, MD, PhD2.  JAMA. Published online August 26, 2020. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.14136

Health Systems Science in Medical Education: Unifying the Components to Catalyze Transformation.  Gonzalo, Jed D. MD, MSc; Chang, Anna MD; Dekhtyar, Michael MEd; Starr, Stephanie R. MD; Holmboe, Eric MD; Wolpaw, Daniel R. MD.  Academic Medicine: September 2020 - Volume 95 - Issue 9 - p 1362-1372.  doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000003400
