Social Well-being
- The University of Calgary Child Care Centres operate out of main and west campus. University of Calgary students are given priority access, however, the wait list tends to be long, so registration EARLY is key. Find waitlist registration forms and other details on the website.
- The Alberta Health Services (AHS) Child Care Program offers priority access to an accredited/approved daycare program in Calgary for AHS employees and physicians.
- See the frequently asked questions section or the profile on the AHS intranet under Childcare and Family Resources. Access via Insite: Our Teams/Departments > Human Resources > Workplace Health and Safety > Employee Wellness > Child Care and Family Resources
- Contact the AHS Employee Assistance Program for help securing child care or to get advice about options. You must register (provide AHS email) to have full access to resources.
- The Canada Child Care Directory – Calgary is a searchable website profiling various preschools, daycares, and dayhomes searchable by city quadrant. Inquire individually for availability and costs.
- Childcare Alberta’s searchable website profiles various local preschools, daycares, dayhomes, before and after school programs, and babysitters. Inquire individually for availability and costs.
New to Calgary?
- The University of Calgary Students’ Union webpage provides links to property listings, a roommate finder tool, sublets, and short term rental options through Places 4 Students.
- Find housing rental options online from a variety of search providers. For example: RentFaster, RentSpot, Craigslist, 4Rent, or Gottarent all profile properties, and are searchable by location or type of rental.
- The Calgary Community Associations website provides information on all Calgary communities, including demographics, locations, and local social events.
- For new physician orientation information from AHS, check out the Medical Affairs webpage on Insite: Our Teams/Departments > Medical Affairs.
- University of Calgary International Student Services provides support services and customized advising for all international students adjusting to studying at the University of Calgary and to life in Canada. This includes unique peer-driven programs that connect international and Canadian students.
- If you're new to Canada, consider contacting one of the following settlement assistance programs in Calgary:
- Calgary Catholic Immigration Services
- Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies
- Calgary Centre for Newcomers
- Immigrant Services Calgary
Social Event Listings
- Avenue Magazine’s event listing profiles various social events happening around the city by month.
- Eventbrite’s Calgary Events listing.
- Contact PARA to organize wellness activities, professional events and workshops.