Expense Reimbursement
All expenditures must be approved and deemed eligible by the residency program prior to incurring the expense. Please refer to the ELIGIBLE EXPENSE GUIDELINES for Education Enhancement (EE) and Alberta International Medical Graduate (AIMG) guidelines.
Once approval has been granted and the expenses have transpired:
1. Claimants must complete the Expense SUMMARY Form and submit the form with accompanying receipt(s) to their Program Administrator. To avoid a delay in reimbursement, please refer to the INSTRUCTIONS to ensure that the claim submission is complete.
2. Upon receipt of the claim, Program Administrators must complete the Expense DESCRIPTION Form. (Please note: This form functions best in Internet Explorer). The entire claim submission is then submitted as one file to the PGME Business Administrator assigned to their program.
3. The above process applies to all PGME expense claims with the exception of the following. Please click the applicable links for further direction:
- CaRMS Interview Expenses
- Career Days
- Royal College - Specialty Committee Meeting and ICRE
- Research and Leadership Travel Grant Instructions
4. Claims for conferences and courses must be submitted within a timely manner following the event. All claims must be submitted by the fiscal year end deadlines indicated by PGME Business Administrators. Failure to comply may result in the claim being declined.
5. When possible, goods and services should be purchased using the University of Calgary’s Preferred Suppliers.
6. Claimants not currently set up for payment by Direct Deposit with the UofC should complete the EFT Form and include it with the claim.
7. All expense reimbursements must adhere to the University of Calgary Travel and Expense Regulations and Guidelines.