Required Onboarding Documents

Congratulations on your acceptance into the MPAS program! 

In addition to the admissions documents as outlined in your admission letter, the MPAS program will require immunization records/information, BLS, police information check, etc. An onboarding package will be sent from the MPAS office to all newly admitted students containing all pertinent forms/requirements. 

Immunization Records & BLS CPR

All students in graduate programs in the Cumming School of Medicine are required to complete a series of immunizations and diagnostic tests as outlined on the Student Immunization Worksheet.
Throughout their graduate program, students are required to ensure that immunizations are current and provide proof of updates to the Cumming School of Medicine. Failure to do so may result in students being removed from the program until such time as adequate proof has been provided.
Please note that requirements may change during the program as determined by Alberta Health Services guidelines. Contact the MPAS office for more information.

Police Information Check and Vulnerable Sector Search

All applicants admitted to the MPAS program are required to provide a current Police Information Check (also referred to as a Security Clearance or Criminal Record Check) which must include a Vulnerable Sector Search

If the Check results in a “not clear” determination or if a criminal record conviction is confirmed, admission to the program may be retracted.  An internal University appeal process is available to applicants who are refused admission for this reason.

Students may be required to produce a current PIC prior to the practicum experience to adhere to the student practicum agreements with our practice partners.

Subsequent to admission and at any time during the program, a student may be required to produce a current Police Information Check, the results of which could require their withdrawal from the program, in the sole discretion of the University. Students are obligated to inform the program immediately of any change in status of their criminal record.

If you are charged or convicted of a criminal offense at any time during your enrollment in the program, you are required to inform the MPAS Office immediately.

Students who are concerned about the presence of a criminal record should contact the Parole Board of Canada for information on receiving a Canadian Pardon/Record Suspension.  

I've lived in Calgary for more than 12 months

Students who have lived in Calgary for more than 12 months must arrange for a Police Information check and Vulnerable Sector Search through: Calgary Police Service - Police Information Check Unit.

In order to verify that you will be involved in "unpaid" practicum experiences throughout your program, resulting in a reduced fee, you must provide the Calgary Police Service/RCMP Detachment with the registration letter.

I've moved to Calgary within the last 12 months

Students who have moved to Calgary within the past 12 months must complete the following three items:

  • Police Information Check and Vulnerable Sector Search through the Calgary Police Service, Police Information Check Unit (see above).
  • Once the results of the Police Information Check and Vulnerable Sector Search have been presented to the MPAS office, students will need to complete a Statutory Declaration” with a Commissioner for Oaths in the program. 
  • A new Police Information Check and Vulnerable Sector Search must be provided once 12 months of residency in Calgary has been reached

I've not moved to Calgary yet

Students who have not yet moved to Calgary must arrange for a Police Information Check and Vulnerable Sector Search through the nearest local Police Service or RCMP detachment in the area where you currently reside.  

Please note this process must be initiated before you move to Calgary.