Diabetes Educators Calgary Charting Guidelines
CC go live dates
Launch 4: May 28, 2022 (CAT, Inpatient Diabetes Nurse Navigators, PLC)
Launch 5: Nov 6, 2022 (FMC, RRDTC, SCHC, Sheldon Chumir Diabetes [SMCC])
Launch 6: May 6, 2023 (SHC, RGH)
Launch 8: May 4, 2024 (AHLP, ECHC)
Staff will continue to have access to Soprano (read-only) for 1 year after the final site goes live.
DCC Connect Care Charting Guidelines
Charting guidelines are intended for use by Diabetes Centre Calgary clinicians. The guidelines are reviewed and updated regularly.
- Use the navigation tabs above the photo to quickly get to the page you need; but if you prefer, you may click on the links below. To search the complete list of Connect Care help topics, please see this page.
- For support options and IT help, see here.
- Department naming convention is <City> <Site> <Program>. DCC Nurses and Psycho-social team login to one of these departments. To change between departments, use the EPIC button > Change Context:
- CGY FMC Diabetes Educators
- CGY FMC Endocrinology DIP
- CGY RRDTC Bariatrics
- CGY RRDTC Diabetes Educators
- CGY Endocrinology [includes 24 h ABPM, Endocrine Testing, Osteoporosis]
- CGY SCHC Diabetes Educators
- CGY SMCC Diabetes Educators [Sheldon Chumir]
- CGY SMG Diabetes Educators
- CGY SMG Endocrinology DIP
- Dietitians login to this department: Calgary Zone Nutrition Services. To view schedule, click on the down arrow by their name, and select the correct department.
Connect Care Principles
- When there is a dedicated field for information (e.g. glucose readings) use that field
- Use the suggested Tab Layout
- Use standard department Smart Phrases