Our Facilities Overview
The ATSSL is located on the University of Calgary Foothills Campus, and comprises three separate facilities designed to optimize the educational experiences learners engage in. Our Surgical Skills Laboratory (SSL) is located in the basement of the Health Research Innovation Centre (HRIC). Our Clinical Skills Laboratory (CSL) is located on the ground floor of the Health Sciences Centre (HSC), and our Special Procedures Laboratory (SPL), along with our Body Donation Program (BDP), are located in basement of the HSC.
We are committed to providing a psychologically safe environment for learners to progressively build their skills as they apply their knowledge in a variety of simulation based educational experiences. Our goal is to facilitate skill integration and reflection in a way that enables learners to continually enhance their clinical and surgical practices.
Take the HRIC atrium elevator or stairs from the ground level to the basement. Follow the ATSSL signs to the Surgical Skills Laboratory.
CSL - HSC G820:
Located behind the Global Health Centre (HSC G802) and across from the UME Student Lounge.
SPL & BDP - HSC B723:
Situated down the hall from the basement gym/fitness facility and diagonally across from the UofC Foothills Campus mailroom.