Special Procedures Lab

Special Procedures Laboratory

The Special Procedures Laboratory (SPL), located in the Health Science Centre B763, is a specialty lab that provides a unique environment for education with an emphasis in anatomical sciences, including developmental biology, gross anatomy, and neurobiology.  The primary focus being medical education in the structure and function of the human body using preserved, embalmed, plastinated human cadaveric prosections, plastic models and a 3D atlas. The lab includes a large area dedicated as a gross anatomy teaching laboratory, cadaver procurement and preparation facility, and a preparation room to clean and store surgical instruments. The SPL has ample space to accommodate a couple small groups or a single large group of up 30 to observe demonstrations and practice procedures.

The SPL houses the University of Calgary Body Donation Program, which supports a comprehensive donation program for Southern Alberta. The SPL experience is available to staff, residents, medical students and specialty groups granted select access. The program supplies invaluable anatomical specimens to undergraduate, postgraduate, and medical training programs, facilitating the study of human anatomy and the development of surgical expertise.


Gross Anatomy Review Sessions are offered by the ATSSL in collaboration with the SPL. These sessions are delivered by qualified anatomists using embalmed and prepared human cadavers, and typically last for 3 hours. This invaluable experience will allow for learners to review musculoskeletal, cranial and visceral anatomy pertinent to their curriculum. This learning experience can only occur due to the generosity of the individuals and their families that have donated their bodies. All bodies are treated with the utmost respect and appreciation.

If you are interested in booking a Gross Anatomy Review Session, please complete the ATSSL / Booking Request Form.

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Surgical Skills Lab

Clinical Skills Lab


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