Neuroscience (MDNS)
We at the University of Calgary have established a world class, forward-looking, research intensive training program in collaborative, team-based neuroscience research.
PhD Program Details
Please see the Academic Calendar for information on program and course requirements.
MSc Program Details
Please see the Academic Calendar for information on program and course requirements.
Program Milestones & Forms
Please see the Program Milestones page for required milestones and forms for your program
Optional Interdisciplinary Specializations
Computational Neuroscience: Calendar Entry
Medical Imaging: Calendar Entry
MDNS Research Institute Affiliations

Hotchkiss Brain Institute (HBI)
The HBI's vision is "Healthy brains for better lives". Their mission is to inspire discovery and apply knowledge towards innovative solutions for neurological and mental health disorders.

Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute (ACHRI)
Working alongside children, families, and communities, our researchers are discovering ways to help them achieve optimal health and well-being.
MDNS Awards
Journal Clubs
Joining and presenting at a Journal club is an annual program requirement for active Neuroscience Graduate Program students. For further information, please visit the HBI Journal Clubs webpage here or the ACHRI Events Page here
Graduate Research In Progress (GRIP) Presentations
It is a program requirement for all active Neuroscience Graduate Program students to conduct a minimum of 1 GRIP presentation during every passing program year, up-to and including their eventual final defense year.
GRIPs can be satisfied through 1 of the following 4 avenues:
- Contact the HBITO (hbi.ucalgary.ca/hbito/about-us) for upcoming presenter opportunities.
- Acceptable alternates, in the event that scheduling an HBITO-coordinated RIP is challenging due to either limited availability or scheduling conflicts:
- (ALTERNATE I) Inter-lab oral presentations with another UCalgary lab group. Audience must be external to student's home lab.
- Contact ACHRITA (research4kids.ucalgary.ca/trainees/achri-trainee-association) for upcoming presenter opportunities.
- (ALTERNATE III) Oral presentations/platform talks at external national or international scientific conferences, provided that they are ~15 minutes in duration – ± 5 minutes, depending on the size of the audience (i.e. 10 minutes for significant, large-scale events, or 20 minutes for local multi-lab focus groups) – and conducted towards gatherings of other researchers/lab-supported research groups, rather than the general public.
The intent of the annual GRIPs is for the student to gain valuable experience at presenting key portions of their developing research project to fellow members of the scientific research community with whom they do not interact with on a regular basis (serves as great practice in preparation for one's eventual graduate program examinations). This unfortunately means that neither the student’s normal internal lab meetings nor poster presentations will count as GRIP-appropriate.
Mark Matias
Graduate Program Administrator
Drs. Grant Gordon & Jonathan Epp
Graduate Program Co-Directors
The Hotchkiss Brain Institute Trainee Organization (HBITO)
ACHRI Trainee Association (ACHRITA)
Questions? Please contact the MDNS Graduate Program Administrator: neurosci@ucalgary.ca