Meet the Team

Dr. Aliya Kassam
Aliya Kassam is an Associate Professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences and the Director of Scholarship in PGME. Aliya completed her undergraduate honours degree in Psychology, masters degree in Epidemiology and masters degree in Biomedical Ethics at the University of Calgary. She completed her doctorate in Health Services Research at King’s College London in England followed by a postdoctoral fellowship with the Mental Health Commission of Canada. Her PGME research interests include competency assessment, well-being, and exploring the intersections of residency education with patient care.

Dr. Lea Harper
Lea Harper is a respirologist specializing in lung transplantation. She completed her medical school, internal medicine, and respirology training at the University of British Columbia, followed by an advanced fellowship in lung transplant at the University of Toronto. She completed a Masters of Education in Health Professions through Johns Hopkins University and currently is the Director of Research and Evaluations for PGME. Her research interests include evaluation scholarship as well as studying ways to optimize mentorship for trainees.