Certification Exams
RCPSC Examinations
Residents who wish to take the specialty certification examination of the RCPSC must first have their residency training assessed by the RCPSC to ensure that the specialty specific training requirements have been met in a program that is recognized and approved by the RCPSC.
Applicants must contact the Credentials Unit one year before they wish to write the examinations.They are encouraged to apply well in advance of the application deadlines to avoid late penalty fees. Assessment of training normally takes at least six months, but will take longer if periods of United States training must be assessed, or if the application requires a supplementary analysis.
Certification examinations are held once a year for each specialty/subspecialty. Specialty examinations are held in the spring while subspecialty examinations are held in the fall. For more information on the examination, application process or deadlines, please visit the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons or Canada (RCPSC) website: www.royalcollege.ca
Changes to the eligibility requirements for the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part II.
Candidates expected to complete their PGY-1 by June 30 will be able to challenge the exam in May of their first year of residency. Limited capacity will restrict the number of spots available for PGY-1 candidates in spring 2016.
Completion of 12 months of residency will remain a requirement for awarding the LMCC. PGY-1 candidates who will pass the spring exam will receive the LMCC only after demonstrated evidence of satisfactory completion of 12 months of training.
Refer to mcc.ca for more information.
CFPC Examination
The Certification Examination in Family Medicine is open to College members who have either successfully completed an approved residency training program in family medicine or successfully completed a combination of training and practice experience as outlined in the eligibility guidelines.
The examination is conducted twice a year – in the spring and in the fall - in multiple centres across Canada, in both official languages. For more information on the certification examination in family medicine including eligibility requirements, application process and deadlines please visit the College of Family Physicians of Canada website: www.cfpc.ca