Step #6: Learner Assessment, Evaluation, and Feedback
- Regular meetings with the Resident reviewing their progress is scheduled.
- Regular communication between programs and PGME during the implementation of remediation is encouraged.
- At the completion of the Remediation Plan, the Competence Committee, RTC, or RPC meet to review the data and determine outcome of the plan. This should be done in a timely manner.
- The outcome of the Plan is then communicated to the Resident.
- A final Remediation or Probation outcome report is submitted to PGME.
- A true measure of remediation success is sustained improvement around identified deficits within the context of the regular program. Implementation of a monitoring system after remediation is highly recommended to programs to ensure that the newly remediated resident continues to succeed.
- Reflection and program evaluation can inform the successful development of future learning support and remediation plans, further feeding into the curriculum design cycle.