Scenic mountain and lake views in Sundre Alberta

Canadian Remote or Isolated Educational Experience (CRIEE)

DLRI has limited funding available on a first-come-first-served basis to support learners on remote or isolated rotations. Contact our office to ensure that funding is available. 

What is a CRIEE location?

CRIEE locations are defined as:

A geographical area where a community is located over 300 km from the nearest service center having year-round road or water access.
A geographical area that has scheduled flights and good telephone services; however, it is without year-round road access. It is noted that not all homes in a community will have phones, and that flights may be cancelled or delayed due to weather.

Please note that CRIEE funding is not available to learners that have secured alternate funding. The funding covers travel and accommodations up to a maximum of $2,000 per elective. Learners should not contact preceptors directly. 

How Do I Apply For CRIEE Elective Funding?

Contact the DLRI Office

Contact the DLRI office at least 8 weeks prior to the desired start date.

Please note that if the application process is not followed, funding may be denied. 


Contact Us

Receive confirmation email

The Rural Program Coordinator will determine if there is funding available and email the applicant to confirm or deny eligibility/availability. 

Book the elective

If approved, the Rural Electives Coordinator will reach out to the applicant to begin booking. Be prepared to provide the exact dates, location, and preferences of the desired elective. 

Submit expenses

Once the rotation is booked, the Rural Program Coordinator will send the applicant the applicable form for expense reimbursement.