Early Educator Award
Given to a UCalgary preceptor from any discipline who has demonstrated commitment and enthusiasm for medical education, is in the first five years of teaching, and located outside Calgary.
2022: Dr. Vanessa Rogers
2021: Dr. Noelle O'Riordan
2020: Dr. Kilmeny Melnick
2019: Dr. Reid Hosford
Interprofessional Education Award
Given to a professional in any discipline teaching UCalgary medical learners. They have demonstrated educational effectiveness across professions/disciplines or who has promoted the effective function of rural teams through inter-professional education.
2022: Cassy Sinclair/Melissa Hoppe
2021: Dr. Gavin Parker
2020: Pat Ripley
2019: Natalie Palmer
Dr. Ian Bennett Meritorious Service Award
Given to a UCalgary preceptor with a demonstrated education focus of over 10 years duration, or a single extraordinary demonstration of dedication to medical education.
2022: Dr. Jonathan Wallace
2021: Dr. Ronald Gorsche
2020: Dr. Ron Spice
2019: Dr. Brian Siray
Dr. Spencer McLean Peer-to-Peer Teaching Award
Given to a UCalgary resident in any discipline who has demonstrated educational efforts across their practice and demonstrates qualities of a caring and compassionate mentor? They are at the PGY1 level or greater.
2022: Dr. Zach Heinricks
2021: Dr. Elizabeth Cook
2020: Dr. Colton Lewis
2019: Dr. Veronique Ram
UME Rural Inspiration Award
Given to a UME University of Calgary preceptor who has inspired students to consider rural training or a rural career.
2022: Dr. Davis Yawney
2021: Dr. Murray Lee
2020: Dr. Kristy Penner
2019: Dr. Gavin Parker
Dr. Hal Irvine Community Focus Award
Given to a UCalgary preceptor who has demonstrated dedication to improving the quality of life in their community through service and personal commitment and has practiced for at least five years.
2022: Dr. Jared van Bussel
2021: Dr. Amy Gausvik
2020: Dr. Kara Powell
2019: Dr. Luke Szobota
Best Waugh Resident Award
Given to provide financial assistance to 2 dedicated residents with an interest in rural medicine, one Family Medicine Resident, and one Royal College Resident.