

Ready to graduate?

Prior to applying to graduate, make sure to speak to the BHSc Program Coordinator to ensure you are meeting your degree requirements. 

Apply to graduate

Prior to applying, please connect with your faculty advisor to ensure you are on track to meet your degree requirements ahead of time. 

Convocation Checklist

Attend the ceremony

After you apply to graduate, you must submit your Attendance Notification

Attendance Notification

Convocation dates

Be sure to check which day your Convocation is being held. 

Convocation Dates

Ceremony day

Details of what is expected of you during your big day. 

Ceremony day

BHSc was an amazing experience for me. I met a lot of amazing students and faculty members throughout my undergraduate degree who have made a lasting impact on my personal and academic development.


Brian Choi

Class of 2024 - Biomedical Sciences