Centre for Health Informatics
The Centre for Health Informatics is the newest University of Calgary research and innovation centre within the Cumming School of Medicine. The Centre came into existence to advance the mandate of the Cumming School of Medicine’s focus on precision medicine and precision public health.

Accessing Health Data for Research in Alberta
Research & Innovation
The Centre for Health Informatics is a multidisciplinary team of individuals with expertise spanning from biostatistics, software engineering and physics to epidemiology, nursing and health economics. Some team members have experience as practicing physicians who understand the everyday challenges of health care delivery; others are methodologists and statisticians whose expertise in analytical methods helps drive leading-edge investigations.
Advancing Precision Health
The Centre of Health Informatics (CHI) works to advance and innovate health informatics for Precision Health through timely data access, data analytics such as visualization, linkage and coding, and leading research using secondary data for research trials, and clinical decision support. CHI brings together data assets to foster collaboration among investigators, support grant development, recruit faculty and students, develop cutting-edge analytics, and build capacity in data science and machine-learning.

CRU & CHI Merger
We are pleased to announce the Cumming School of Medicine’s (CSM) Clinical Research Unit (CRU) will merge with the Centre for Health Informatics (CHI) on March 15, 2024.
The CRU and CHI already share the research data space and working together will allow us to streamline research services and expand what we offer. We are excited to harmonize our units to provide a more comprehensive suite of services to the CSM and develop new offerings together.
Opportunities & Programs with the Centre of Health Informatics
The Centre for Health Informatics is a space that is designed to form relationships, both personal and professional, to foster collaboration. Our staff consists of many individuals from varying disciplines like biostatistics, epidemiology, computer engineering, physics, statistics, health economics, and nursing. By providing a space for conversation and socialization, the Centre for Health Informatics fosters inter-disciplinary collaborations for cutting-edge new projects. The space also allows the Centre to host the Certificate in Health Data Science Analytics and Biostatistics students during their semester, visiting scholars, working group meetings, summer students, graduate students, PhD students, Post-doctoral fellows, faculty, analysts, administrative staff, and other researchers as well as seminars and workshops.