Notable Projects

- Indicators of missing Electronic Medical Record (EMR) discharge summaries: A retrospective study on data from a large Canadian cohort (2021)
Natalie Wiebe, Yuan Xu, Abdel Aziz Shaheen, Catherine Eastwood, Bastien Boussat and Hude Quan
- Unlocking the Potential of Electronic Health Records for Health Research (2020)
Seungwon Lee, Yuan Xu, Adam G. D’Souza, Elliot A. Martin, Chelsea Doktorchik, Zilong Zhang and Hude QuanSeungwon Lee, Yuan Xu, Adam G. D’Souza, Elliot A. Martin, Chelsea Doktorchik, Zilong Zhang and Hude Quan
- Abstract 246: Validating the Accuracy of Routine Electrocardiogram Arrhythmia Diagnosis From an Electronic Repository (2019)
Hongwei Liu, Reid Collins, Robert J Miller, Danielle A Southern, Bryan J Har, Matthew T James, Stephen B Wilton
- Developing a case definition for type 1 diabetes mellitus in a primary care electronic medical record database: an exploratory study (2019)
B.Cord Lethebe, Tyler Williamson, Stephanie Garies, Kerry McBrien, Charles Leduc, Sonia Butalia, Boglarka Soos, Marta Shaw, and Neil Drummond
- Identification of validated case definitions for medical conditions used in primary care electronic medical record databases (2018)
Kerry A. McBrien, Sepideh Souri, Nicola E. Symonds, Azin Rouhi, Brendan C. Lethebe, Tyler S. Williamson, Stephanie Garies, Richard Birtwhistle, Hude Quan, Gabriel E. Fabreau and Paul E. Ronksley
- Developing EMR-based algorithms to Identify hospital adverse events for health system performance evaluation and improvement: Study protocol
Guosong Wu, Cathy A Eastwood, Yong Zeng, Hude Quan, Zilong Zhang, William A Ghali, Jeffrey Bakal, Bastien Boussat, Ward Flemmons, Alan Forster, Danielle A Southern, Søren Knudsen, Brittany Popowich, Yuan Xu.
- Manual for Chart Review: Comorbid Conditions and Adverse Event Labels for Electronic Medical Record Algorithm Development
Natalie Sapiro, Brittany Popowich, Cathy A Eastwood, Guosong Wu, Danielle A Southern, Hude Quan, Yuan (Shawn) Xu.
- Cerebrovascular disease case identification in inpatient electronic medical record data using natural language processing (2023)
- Pan J., Zhang Z., Peters S.R., Vatanpour S., Walker R.L., Lee S., Martin E.A., Quan H.
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- A New Method of Identifying Pathologic Complete Response After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer Patients Using a Population-Based Electronic Medical Record System
- Wu G., Cheligeer C., Brisson A.-M., Quan M.L., Cheung W.Y., Brenner D., Lupichuk S., Teman C., Basmadjian R.B., Popwich B., Xu Y.
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- Automated extraction of weight, height, and obesity in electronic medical records are highly valid
- Sandhu N., Krusina A., Quan H., Walker R., Martin E.A., Eastwood C.A., Southern D.A.
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- Hypertension identification using inpatient clinical notes from electronic medical records: an explainable, data-driven algorithm study
- Martin E.A., D'Souza A.G., Lee S., Doktorchik C., Eastwood C.A., Quan H.
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- ASO Visual Abstract: A New Method of Identifying Pathologic Complete Response Following Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer Patients Using a Population-Based Electronic Medical Record System
- Wu G., Cheligeer C., Brisson A.-M., Quan M.L., Cheung W.Y., Brenner D., Lupichuk S., Teman C., Basmadjian R.B., Popwich B., Xu Y.
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- Developing EMR-based algorithms to Identify hospital adverse events for health system performance evaluation and improvement: Study protocol
- Wu G., Eastwood C., Zeng Y., Quan H., Long Q., Zhang Z., Ghali W.A., Bakal J., Boussat B., Flemons W., Forster A., Southern D.A., Knudsen S., Popowich B., Xu Y.
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- Characterizing posttraumatic stress disorder in primary care using electronic medical records: a retrospective cohort study
- Muthumuni D., Kosowan L., Katz A., Richardson J., Queenan J., Zafari H., Singer A., Williamson T., Zulkernine F., Wolfrom B., Sareen J.
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- Automating data collection methods in electronic health record systems: a Social Determinant of Health (SDOH) viewpoint
- Berg K., Doktorchik C., Quan H., Saini V.
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- Primary care electronic medical records can be used to predict risk and identify potentially modifiable factors for early and late death in adult onset epilepsy
- Hrabok M., Engbers J.D.T., Wiebe S., Sajobi T.T., Subota A., Almohawes A., Federico P., Hanson A., Klein K.M., Peedicail J., Pillay N., Singh S., Josephson C.B.
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- A data quality assessment to inform hypertension surveillance using primary care electronic medical record data from Alberta, Canada
- Garies S., McBrien K., Quan H., Manca D., Drummond N., Williamson T.
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- Electronically Available Patient Claims Data Improve Models for Comparing Antibiotic Use Across Hospitals: Results From 576 US Facilities
- Goodman K.E., Pineles L., Magder L.S., Anderson D.J., Ashley E.D., Polk R.E., Quan H., Trick W.E., Woeltje K.F., Leekha S., Cosgrove S.E., Harris A.D.
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- Electronic medical record-based case phenotyping for the charlson conditions: Scoping review
- Lee S., Doktorchik C., Martin E.A., D'Souza A.G., Eastwood C., Shaheen A.A., Naugler C., Lee J., Quan H.
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- Primary care EMR and administrative data linkage in Alberta, Canada: Describing the suitability for hypertension surveillance
- Garies S., Youngson E., Soos B., Forst B., Duerksen K., Manca D., McBrien K., Drummond N., Quan H., Williamson T.
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- Methods to improve the quality of smoking records in a primary care EMR database: Exploring multiple imputation and pattern-matching algorithms
- Garies S., Cummings M., Quan H., McBrien K., Drummond N., Manca D., Williamson T.
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- Indicators of missing Electronic Medical Record (EMR) discharge summaries: A retrospective study on data from a large Canadian cohort (2021)
- Natalie Wiebe, Yuan Xu, Abdel Aziz Shaheen, Catherine Eastwood, Bastien Boussat and Hude Quan
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- Validating a case definition for adult asthma in primary care electronic medical records
- Cave A.J., Soos B., Gillies C., Drummond N., Pham A.N.Q., Williamson T.
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- Characteristics associated with pediatric growth measurement collection in electronic medical records: a retrospective observational study
- Kosowan L., Page J., Protudjer J., Williamson T., Queenan J., Singer A.
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- Pelvic floor disorders in women who consult primary care clinics: development and validation of case definitions using primary care electronic medical records
- Ross S., Fast H., Garies S., Slade D., Jackson D., Doraty M., Miyagishima R., Soos B., Taylor M., Williamson T., Drummond N.
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- Enhancing ICD-Code-Based Case Definition for Heart Failure Using Electronic Medical Record Data
- Xu Y., Lee S., Martin E., D'souza A.G., Doktorchik C.T.A., Jiang J., Lee S., Eastwood C.A., Fine N., Hemmelgarn B., Todd K., Quan H.
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- Can linked electronic medical record and administrative data help us identify those living with frailty?
- Wong S.T., Katz A., Williamson T., Singer A., Peterson S., Taylor C., Price M., McCracken R., Thandi M.
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- Evaluation of interventions to improve inpatient hospital documentation within electronic health records: A systematic review
- Wiebe N., Otero Varela L., Niven D.J., Ronksley P.E., Iragorri N., Quan H.
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- Evaluation of an electronic health record structured discharge summary to provide real time adverse event reporting in thoracic surgery
- Graham A.J., Ocampo W., Southern D.A., Falvi A., Sotiropoulos D., Wang B., Lonergan K., Vito B., Ghali W.A., McFadden S.D.P.
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- Developing a case definition for type 1 diabetes mellitus in a primary care electronic medical record database: an exploratory study (2019)
- B.Cord Lethebe, Tyler Williamson, Stephanie Garies, Kerry McBrien, Charles Leduc, Sonia Butalia, Boglarka Soos, Marta Shaw, and Neil Drummond
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- Evaluation of interventions to improve electronic health record documentation within the inpatient setting: A protocol for a systematic review
- Otero Varela L., Wiebe N., Niven D.J., Ronksley P.E., Iragorri N., Robertson H.L., Quan H.
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- Identification of validated case definitions for medical conditions used in primary care electronic medical record databases (2018)
- Kerry A. McBrien, Sepideh Souri, Nicola E. Symonds, Azin Rouhi, Brendan C. Lethebe, Tyler S. Williamson, Stephanie Garies, Richard Birtwhistle, Hude Quan, Gabriel E. Fabreau and Paul E. Ronksley
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- Predicting death by suicide following an .... with administrative health care system data and machine learning (2020)
Michael Sanderson, Andrew G.M. Bulloch, JianLi Wang, Kimberly G. Williams, Tyler Williamson and Scott B. Pattern
- Artificial intelligence (AI) and cancer prevention: ... control programming needs to be explored ... COMPASS (2019)
Scott T. Leatherdale and Joon Lee
- Development of machine learning models for the detection of surgical site infections following total hip and knee arthroplasty: a multicenter cohort study
- Wu G., Cheligeer C., Southern D.A., Martin E.A., Xu Y., Leal J., Ellison J., Bush K., Williamson T., Quan H., Eastwood C.A.
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- Determinants of implementing artificial intelligence-based clinical decision support tools in healthcare: a scoping review protocol
- Bajgain B., Lorenzetti D., Lee J., Sauro K.
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- A comparison of machine learning algorithms and traditional regression-based statistical modeling for predicting hypertension incidence in a Canadian population
- Chowdhury M.Z.I., Leung A.A., Walker R.L., Sikdar K.C., O’Beirne M., Quan H., Turin T.C.
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- Sensitivity and specificity of alternative screening methods for systematic reviews using text mining tools
- Li J., Kabouji J., Bouhadoun S., Tanveer S., Filion K.B., Gore G., Josephson C.B., Kwon C.-S., Jette N., Bauer P.R., Day G.S., Subota A., Roberts J.I., Lukmanji S., Sauro K., Ismaili A.A., Rahmani F., Chelabi K., Kerdougli Y., Seulami N.M., Soumana A., Khalil S., Maynard N., Keezer M.R.
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- Association of comorbid-socioeconomic clusters with mortality in late onset epilepsy derived through unsupervised machine learning
- Josephson C.B., Gonzalez-Izquierdo A., Engbers J.D.T., Denaxas S., Delgado-Garcia G., Sajobi T.T., Wang M., Keezer M.R., Wiebe S.
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- Deep Learning-Based Recurrent Delirium Prediction in Critically Ill Patients
- Lucini F.R., Stelfox H.T., Lee J.
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- An introduction to machine learning for classification and prediction
- Black J.E., Kueper J.K., Williamson T.S.
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- Machine learning using multimodal clinical, electroencephalographic, and magnetic resonance imaging data can predict incident depression in adults with epilepsy: A pilot study
- Delgado-García G., Engbers J.D.T., Wiebe S., Mouches P., Amador K., Forkert N.D., White J., Sajobi T., Klein K.M., Josephson C.B., the Calgary Comprehensive Epilepsy Program Collaborators
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- Personalized prediction of incident hospitalization for cardiovascular disease in patients with hypertension using machine learning
- Feng Y., Leung A.A., Lu X., Liang Z., Quan H., Walker R.L.
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- Performance of machine learning algorithms for surgical site infection case detection and prediction: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Wu G., Khair S., Yang F., Cheligeer C., Southern D., Zhang Z., Feng Y., Xu Y., Quan H., Williamson T., Eastwood C.A.
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- Machine learning in requirements elicitation: a literature review
- Cheligeer C., Huang J., Wu G., Bhuiyan N., Xu Y., Zeng Y.
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- Machine Learning Patient-Specific Prediction of Heart Failure Hospitalization Using Cardiac MRI-Based Phenotype and Electronic Health Information
- Cornhill A.K., Dykstra S., Satriano A., Labib D., Mikami Y., Flewitt J., Prosio E., Rivest S., Sandonato R., Howarth A.G., Lydell C., Eastwood C.A., Quan H., Fine N., Lee J., White J.A.
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- Prediction of hypertension using traditional regression and machine learning models: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Chowdhury M.Z.I., Naeem I., Quan H., Leung A.A., Sikdar K.C., OBeirne M., Turin T.C.
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- Categorising patient concerns using natural language processing techniques
- Fairie P., Zhang Z., D'Souza A.G., Walsh T., Quan H., Santana M.J.
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- Precision Medicine: Academic dreaming or clinical reality?
- Josephson C.B., Wiebe S.
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- Big data in epilepsy: Clinical and research considerations. Report from the Epilepsy Big Data Task Force of the International League Against Epilepsy
- Lhatoo S.D., Bernasconi N., Blumcke I., Braun K., Buchhalter J., Denaxas S., Galanopoulou A., Josephson C., Kobow K., Lowenstein D., Ryvlin P., Schulze-Bonhage A., Sahoo S.S., Thom M., Thurman D., Worrell G., Zhang G.-Q., Wiebe S.
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- Reporting of Model Performance and Statistical Methods in Studies That Use Machine Learning to Develop Clinical Prediction Models: Protocol for a Systematic Review
- Weaver C.G.W., Basmadjian R.B., Williamson T., McBrien K., Sajobi T., Boyne D., Yusuf M., Ronksley P.E.
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- Crowdsourcing for Machine Learning in Public Health Surveillance: Lessons Learned From Amazon Mechanical Turk
- Hossein Abad Z.S., Butler G.P., Thompson W., Lee J.
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- From demand forecasting to inventory ordering decisions for red blood cells through integrating machine learning, statistical modeling, and inventory optimization
- Li N., Arnold D.M., Down D.G., Barty R., Blake J., Chiang F., Courtney T., Waito M., Trifunov R., Heddle N.M.
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- Primary Care: The Actual Intelligence Required for Artificial Intelligence to Advance Health Care and Improve Health
- Liaw W.R., Westfall J.M., Williamson T.S., Jabbarpour Y., Bazemore A.
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- Predicting postoperative epilepsy surgery satisfaction in adults using the 19-item Epilepsy Surgery Satisfaction Questionnaire and machine learning
- Josephson C.B., Engbers J.D.T., Sajobi T.T., Wahby S., Lawal O.A., Keezer M.R., Nguyen D.K., Malmgren K., Atkinson M.J., Hader W.J., Macrodimitris S., Patten S.B., Pillay N., Sharma R., Singh S., Starreveld Y., Wiebe S.
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- Predicting Discharge Destination of Critically Ill Patients Using Machine Learning
- Abad Z.S.H., Maslove D.M., Lee J.
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- Item response theory as a feature selection and interpretation tool in the context of machine learning
- Kline A.S., Kline T.J.B., Lee J.
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- Machine learning for identification of frailty in Canadian primary care practices
- Aponte-Hao S., Wong S.T., Thandi M., Ronksley P., McBrien K., Lee J., Grandy M., Katz A., Mangin D., Singer A., Manca D., Williamson T.
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- Natural language processing to measure the frequency and mode of communication between healthcare professionals and family members of critically ill patients
- Lucini F.R., Krewulak K.D., Fiest K.M., Bagshaw S.M., Zuege D.J., Lee J., Stelfox H.T.
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- Using machine learning and smartphone and smartwatch data to detect emotional states and transitions: Exploratory study
- Sultana M., Al-Jefri M., Lee J.
- Using item response theory for explainable machine learning in predicting mortality in the intensive care unit: Case-based approach
- Kline A., Kline T., Abad Z.S.H., Lee J.
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- Functional Outcome Prediction in Ischemic Stroke: A Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms and Regression Models
- Alaka S.A., Menon B.K., Brobbey A., Williamson T., Goyal M., Demchuk A.M., Hill M.D., Sajobi T.T.
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- Psychosocial profiles and their predictors in epilepsy using patient-reported outcomes and machine learning
- Josephson C.B., Engbers J.D.T., Wang M., Perera K., Roach P., Sajobi T.T., Wiebe S., Federico P., Klein K.M., Murphy W., Pillay N., Salmon A., Singh S.
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- Developing and validating a primary care EMR-based frailty definition using machine learning
- Williamson T., Aponte-Hao S., Mele B., Lethebe B.C., Leduc C., Thandi M., Katz A., Wong S.T.
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- Is artificial intelligence better than human clinicians in predicting patient outcomes?
- Lee J.
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- Predicting death by suicide following an emergency department visit for parasuicide with administrative health care system data and machine learning
- Michael Sanderson, Andrew G.M. Bulloch, JianLi Wang, Kimberly G. Williams, Tyler Williamson and Scott B. Pattern
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- Predicting death by suicide using administrative health care system data: Can feedforward neural network models improve upon logistic regression models?
- Michael Sanderson, Andrew G.M. Bulloch, JianLi Wang, Tyler Williamson and Scott B. Pattern
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- A position statement on population data science: The science of data about people
- McGrail K.M., Jones K., Akbari A., Bennett T.D., Boyd A., Carinci F., Cui X., Denaxas S., Dougall N., Ford D., Kirby R., Kum H.-C., Moorin R., Moran R., O’Keefe C.M., Preen D., Quan H., Sanmartin C., Schull M., Smith M., Williams C., Williamson T., Wyper G.M.A., Kotelchuck M.
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- Data changes everything: Challenges and opportunities in data visualization design handoff
Jagoda Walny, Christian Frisson, Mieka West, Doris Kosminsky, Søren Knudsen, Sheelagh Carpendale and Wesley Willett
- Comparing ICD-data Across Countries: A Case for Visualization
Lucia Otero Varela, Søren Knudsen, Sheelagh Carpendale, Catherine Eastwood and Hude Quan.
- PADE: Supporting Collaborative Visual Analysis of Patient Administrative Systems Data with a Large Touch Display System
Søren Knudsen and Kasper Hornbæk.
- Information Visualization and Proxemics: Design Opportunities and Empirical Findings
Mikkel Rønne Jakobsen, Yonas Sahlemariam Haile, Søren Knudsen and Kasper Hornbæk.
- Dynamic Visual Analytics for Elicitation Meetings with ELICA
Zahra Shakeri Hossein Abad, Munib Rahman, Abdullah Cheema, Vincenzo Gervasi, Didar Zowghi, and Ken Barker.
- Visualizing Density of Healthcare Workers Across Time and Countries
Andie Green-Harrison, Søren Knudsen and Sheelagh Carpendale.
- Developing a data integrated COVID-19 tracking system for decision-making and public use
- Krusina A., Chen O., Varela L.O., Doktorchik C., Avati V., Knudsen S., Southern D.A., Eastwood C., Sharma N., Williamson T.
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- Data changes everything: Challenges and opportunities in data visualization design handoff
- Jagoda Walny, Christian Frisson, Mieka West, Doris Kosminsky, Søren Knudsen, Sheelagh Carpendale and Wesley Willett
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- Comparing ICD-data Across Countries: A Case for Visualization
- Lucia Otero Varela, Søren Knudsen, Sheelagh Carpendale, Catherine Eastwood and Hude Quan.
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- PADE: Supporting Collaborative Visual Analysis of Patient Administrative Systems Data with a Large Touch Display System
- Søren Knudsen and Kasper Hornbæk.
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- Information Visualization and Proxemics: Design Opportunities and Empirical Findings
- Mikkel Rønne Jakobsen, Yonas Sahlemariam Haile, Søren Knudsen and Kasper Hornbæk.
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- Dynamic Visual Analytics for Elicitation Meetings with ELICA
- Zahra Shakeri Hossein Abad, Munib Rahman, Abdullah Cheema, Vincenzo Gervasi, Didar Zowghi, and Ken Barker.
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- Visualizing Density of Healthcare Workers Across Time and Countries
- Andie Green-Harrison, Søren Knudsen and Sheelagh Carpendale.
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- Evaluation of interventions to improve inpatient hospital documentation within electronic health records: a systematic review
- Natalie Wiebe, Lucia O. Varela, Daniel J. Niven, Paul E. Ronksley, Nicolas Iragorri and Hude Quan
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- Achieving quality primary care data: a description of the Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network data capture, extraction ... in Alberta
- Stephanie Garies, Michael Cummings, Brian Forst, Kerry McBrien, Boglarka Soos, Matt Taylor, Neil Drummond, Donna Manca, Kimberley Duerksen, Hude Quan and Tyler Williamson
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- Evaluation of interventions to improve electronic health record documentation within the inpatient setting: a protocol for a systematic review
- Lucia O. Varela, Natalie Wiebe, Daniel J. Niven, Paul E. Ronksley, Nicolas Iragorri, Helen Lee Robertson and Hude Quan
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- Evaluation of interventions to improve inpatient hospital documentation within electronic health records: a systematic review
Natalie Wiebe, Lucia O. Varela, Daniel J. Niven, Paul E. Ronksley, Nicolas Iragorri and Hude Quan
- Achieving quality primary care data: a description of the Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network data capture, extraction ... in Alberta
Stephanie Garies, Michael Cummings, Brian Forst, Kerry McBrien, Boglarka Soos, Matt Taylor, Neil Drummond, Donna Manca, Kimberley Duerksen, Hude Quan and Tyler Williamson
- Evaluation of interventions to improve electronic health record documentation within the inpatient setting: a protocol for a systematic review
Lucia O. Varela, Natalie Wiebe, Daniel J. Niven, Paul E. Ronksley, Nicolas Iragorri, Helen Lee Robertson and Hude Quan
- Evaluation of interventions to improve inpatient hospital documentation within electronic health records: a systematic review
- Natalie Wiebe, Lucia O. Varela, Daniel J. Niven, Paul E. Ronksley, Nicolas Iragorri and Hude Quan
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- Achieving quality primary care data: a description of the Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network data capture, extraction ... in Alberta
- Stephanie Garies, Michael Cummings, Brian Forst, Kerry McBrien, Boglarka Soos, Matt Taylor, Neil Drummond, Donna Manca, Kimberley Duerksen, Hude Quan and Tyler Williamson
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- Evaluation of interventions to improve electronic health record documentation within the inpatient setting: a protocol for a systematic review
- Lucia O. Varela, Natalie Wiebe, Daniel J. Niven, Paul E. Ronksley, Nicolas Iragorri, Helen Lee Robertson and Hude Quan
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- Trajectories of perceived social support in acute coronary syndrome
Meng Wang, Colleen M. Norris, Michelle M. Graham, Maria Santana, Zhiying Liang, Oluwagbohunmi Awosoga, Danielle A. Southern, Matthew T. James, Stephen B. Wilton, Hude Quan, Mingshan Lu, William Ghali, Merril Knudtson and Tolulope T. Sajobi
- Uptake of pediatric patient-reported outcome and experience measures and challenges associated with their implementation in Alberta: a mixed-methods study
- Bele S., Rabi S., Zhang M., Ahmed S., Paolucci E.O., Johnson D.W., Quan H., Santana M.J.
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- Improvement in patient-reported pain among patients with metastatic cancer and its association with opioid prescribing
- Harsanyi H., Yang L., Harper A., Jarada T.N., Quan M.L., Cheung W.Y., Lupichuk S., Cuthbert C., Xu Y.
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- Patient-reported outcome measures in pediatric asthma care: using theoretical domains framework to explore healthcare providers’ perceptions
- Bele S., Rabi S., Zhang M., Oddone Paolucci E., Johnson D.W., Quan H., Santana M.J.
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- The use of patient-reported measures in epilepsy care: the Calgary Comprehensive Epilepsy Program experience
- Delgado-García G., Wiebe S., Josephson C.B.
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- Eliciting Patient Experiences About Their Care After Cardiac Surgery
- Kemp K.A., Naqvi F., Quan H., Paolucci E.O., Knudtson M.L., Santana M.J.
- Quality of Life in Epilepsy: Same questions, but different meaning to different people
- Sajobi T.T., Josephson C.B., Sawatzky R., Wang M., Lawal O., Patten S.B., Lix L.M., Wiebe S.
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- Psychometric evaluation of a Canadian version of the Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ-CAN)
- Lawal O.A., Awosoga O., Santana M.J., James M.T., Southern D.A., Wilton S.B., Graham M.M., Knudtson M., Lu M., Quan H., Ghali W.A., Norris C.M., Sajobi T., for the APPROACH Investigators
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- Improving the quality of person-centred healthcare from the patient perspective: Development of person-centred quality indicators
- Santana M.-J., Manalili K., Zelinsky S., Brien S., Gibbons E., King J., Frank L., Wallström S., Fairie P., Leeb K., Quan H., Sawatzky R.
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- Identifying areas for improvement in paediatric inpatient care using the Child HCAHPS survey
- Ahmed S., Kemp K., Johnson D., Quan H., Santana M.J.
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- Patient-level factors associated with chronic opioid use in cancer: a population-based cohort study
- Cuthbert C.A., Xu Y., Kong S., Boyne D.J., Hemmelgarn B.R., Cheung W.Y.
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- Patient-reported pain outcomes for children attending an emergency department with limb injury
- Clapp A.D.M., Thull-Freedman J., Mitra T., Lethebe B.C., Williamson T., Stang A.S.
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- Patient-Reported Experiences With Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting and Valve Replacement
- Kemp K.A., Quan H., Knudtson M.L., Oddone Paolucci E., Santana M.J.
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- Patient-reported outcomes in Alberta: Rationale, scope, and design of a database initiative
- Cuthbert C.A., Watson L., Xu Y., Boyne D.J., Hemmelgarn B.R., Cheung W.Y.
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- Trajectories of perceived social support in acute coronary syndrome
- Wang M., Norris C.M., Graham M.M., Santana M., Liang Z., Awosoga O., Southern D.A., James M.T., Wilton S.B., Quan H., Lu M., Ghali W., Knudtson M., Sajobi T.T.
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- Measuring patient-centred system performance: A scoping review of patient-centred care quality indicators
- Santana M.-J., Ahmed S., Lorenzetti D., Jolley R.J., Manalili K., Zelinsky S., Quan H., Lu M.
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- How to practice person-centred care: A conceptual framework
- Santana M.J., Manalili K., Jolley R.J., Zelinsky S., Quan H., Lu M.
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- Trajectories of health-related quality of life in coronary artery disease
- Sajobi T.T., Wang M., Awosoga O., Santana M., Southern D., Liang Z., Galbraith D., Wilton S.B., Quan H., Graham M.M., James M.T., Ghali W.A., Knudtson M.L., Norris C.
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- Identifying Canadian patient-centred care measurement practices and quality indicators: a survey
- Doktorchik C., Manalili K., Jolley R., Gibbons E., Lu M., Quan H., Santana M.J.
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- Social support and maternal mental health at 4 months and 1 year postpartum: Analysis from the All Our Families cohort
- Hetherington E., McDonald S., Williamson T., Patten S.B., Tough S.C.
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- How to measure cultural competence when evaluating patient-centred care: A scoping review
- Ahmed S., Siad F.M., Manalili K., Lorenzetti D.L., Barbosa T., Lantion V., Lu M., Quan H., Santana M.-J.
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- Patient satisfaction with epilepsy surgery: what is important to patients
- Santana M.J., Manalili K., Jolley R.J., Zelinsky S., Quan H., Lu M.
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- Family experiences of pediatric inpatient care in Alberta, Canada: Results from the child HCAHPS survey
- Kemp K.A., Ahmed S., Quan H., Johnson D., Santana M.J.
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- Prospective validation and refinement of the APPROACH cardiovascular surgical intensive care unit readmission score
Sanam Verma, Danielle A Southern, Ismail R. Raslan, Colleen M. Norris, Michelle M. Graham, Sean M. Bagshaw, Jayan Nagendran, Todd Maclure, Louise Y. Sun, Wu Dat Chin and Sean van Diepen
- A disease-specific comorbidity index for predicting mortality in patients admitted to hospital with a cardiac condition
Lorenzo Azzalini, Malorie Chabot-Blanchet, Danielle A. Southern, Anna Nozza, Stephen B. Wilton, Michelle M. Graham, Guillaume Marquis Gravel, Jean-Pierre Bluteau, Jean-Lucien Rouleau, Marie-Claude Guertin and E. Marc Jolicoeur
- Challenges Associated with Cross-Jurisdictional Analyses using Administrative Health Data and Primary Care Electronic Medical Records in Canada
Alan Kats, Jennifer Enns, Sabrina T. Wong, Tyler Williamson, Alexander Singer, Kimberlyn McGrail, Jeffery A. Bakal, Carole Taylor and Sandra Peterson
- Development and validation of case-finding algorithms for recurrence of breast cancer using routinely collected administrative data
Yuan Xu, Shiying Kong, Winson Y. Cheung, Antoine Bouchard-Fortier, Joseph C. Dort, Hude Quan, Elizabeth M. Buie, Geoff McKinnon and May Lynn Quan
- Oncocytic subtypes of adrenal cortical carcinoma: Aggressive in appearance yet more indolent in behavior?
Jane Mills, Moosa Khalil, Janice Pasieka, Shiying (Kristine) Kong, Yuan Xu, & Adrian Harvey.
- Identifying Atrial Fibrillation From 30,000 Feet: Strengths and Weaknesses of Health Administrative Data
Stephen B. Wilton, Hongwei Lui and Danielle A. Southern
- Empowering knowledge generation through international data network: the IMeCCHI-DATANETWORK
Lucia O. Varela, Marie-Annick Le Pogam, Amy Metcalfe, Pia Kjaer Kristensen, Hongsoo Kim, Raffaele Perego, Rosa Gini and Emanuele Carlini
- Developing case‐finding algorithms for second events of oropharyngeal cancer using administrative data: A population‐based validation study
Yuan Xu, Shiying Kong, Winson Y. Cheung, May Lynn Quan, Steven C. Nakoneshny and Joseph C. Dort
- Association of Levels of Specialized Care With Risk of Premature Mortality in Patients With Epilepsy.
Lowerison M, Josephson CB, Jette N, Sajobi TT, Patten S, Williamson T, Deardon R, Barkema HW, and Wiebe S
- Validity of ICD-10 codes for COVID-19 patients with hospital admissions or ED visits in Canada: A retrospective cohort study
- Wu G., D'Souza A.G., Quan H., Southern D.A., Youngson E., Williamson T., Eastwood C., Xu Y.
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- New method for determining breast cancer recurrence-free survival using routinely collected real-world health data
- Jung H., Lu M., Quan M.L., Cheung W.Y., Kong S., Lupichuk S., Feng Y., Xu Y.
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- Validated algorithms for identifying timing of second event of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma using real-world data
- Khair S., Dort J.C., Quan M.L., Cheung W.Y., Sauro K.M., Nakoneshny S.C., Popowich B.L., Liu P., Wu G., Xu Y.
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- The Prevalence of Insomnia And Sleep Apnea In Discharge Abstract Data: A Call To Improve Data Quality
- Danielle E., Fox R.N., Wiebe N., Southern D.A., Quan H., Kim E., King C., Grosu O., Eastwood C.A.
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- Use of a clinical electrocardiographic database to enhance atrial fibrillation/atrial flutter identification algorithms based on administrative data
- Liu H., Collins R., Miller R.J.H., Southern D.A., Arena R., Aggarwal S., Sajobi T., James M.T., Wilton S.B.
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- Development and validation of data quality rules in administrative health data using association rule mining
- Peng M., Lee S., D'Souza A.G., Doktorchik C.T.A., Quan H.
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- A disease-specific comorbidity index for predicting mortality in patients admitted to hospital with a cardiac condition
- Lorenzo Azzalini, Malorie Chabot-Blanchet, Danielle A. Southern, Anna Nozza, Stephen B. Wilton, Michelle M. Graham, Guillaume Marquis Gravel, Jean-Pierre Bluteau, Jean-Lucien Rouleau, Marie-Claude Guertin and E. Marc Jolicoeur
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- Development and validation of case-finding algorithms for recurrence of breast cancer using routinely collected administrative data
- Yuan Xu, Shiying Kong, Winson Y. Cheung, Antoine Bouchard-Fortier, Joseph C. Dort, Hude Quan, Elizabeth M. Buie, Geoff McKinnon and May Lynn Quan
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- Predicting death by suicide using administrative health care system data: Can recurrent neural network, one-dimensional convolutional neural network, and gradient boosted trees models improve prediction performance?
- Sanderson M., Bulloch A.G., Wang J., Williamson T., Patten S.B.
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- Validation of a case definition for depression in administrative data against primary chart data as a reference standard
- Doktorchik C., Patten S., Eastwood C., Peng M., Chen G., Beck C.A., Jetté N., Williamson T., Quan H.
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- Developing an adapted Charlson comorbidity index for ischemic stroke outcome studies
- Hall R.E., Porter J., Quan H., Reeves M.J.
- Identifying Atrial Fibrillation From 30,000 Feet: Strengths and Weaknesses of Health Administrative Data
- Stephen B. Wilton, Hongwei Lui and Danielle A. Southern
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- Empowering knowledge generation through international data network: the IMeCCHI-DATANETWORK
- Lucia O. Varela, Marie-Annick Le Pogam, Amy Metcalfe, Pia Kjaer Kristensen, Hongsoo Kim, Raffaele Perego, Rosa Gini and Emanuele Carlini
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- Developing case‐finding algorithms for second events of oropharyngeal cancer using administrative data: A population‐based validation study
- Yuan Xu, Shiying Kong, Winson Y. Cheung, May Lynn Quan, Steven C. Nakoneshny and Joseph C. Dort
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- A meta-data manifesto: The need for global health meta-data
- Fabreau G.E., Minty E.P., Southern D.A., Quan H., Ghali W.A.
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- Identifying cases of sleep disorders through international classification of diseases (ICD) codes in administrative data
- Jolley R.J., Liang Z., Peng M., Pendharkar S.R., Tsai W., Chen G., Eastwood C.A., Quan H., Ronksley P.E.
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- Exploring novel diabetes surveillance methods: A comparison of administrative, laboratory and pharmacy data case definitions using THIN
- Khokhar B., Quan H., Kaplan G.G., Butalia S., Rabi D.
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- Coding reliability and agreement of International Classification of Disease, 10th revision (ICD-10) codes in emergency department data
- Peng M., Eastwood C., Boxill A., Jolley R.J., Rutherford L., Carlson K., Dean S., Quan H.
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- Data on coding association rules from an inpatient administrative health data coded by International classification of disease - 10th revision (ICD-10) codes
- Peng M., Sundararajan V., Williamson T., Minty E.P., Smith T.C., Doktorchik C.T.A., Quan H.
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- Exploration of association rule mining for coding consistency and completeness assessment in inpatient administrative health data
- Peng M., Sundararajan V., Williamson T., Minty E.P., Smith T.C., Doktorchik C.T.A., Quan H.
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- IFHIMA Fosters Planning for ICD-11 Adoption with Global Case Studies
Includes a case study titled "Clinical Coders as Researchers in a Field Trial Testing ICD-11 for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics Coding: A Case Study from Canada" written by Cathy Eastwood (page 23).
- A World Health Organization field trial assessing a proposed ICD-11 framework for classifying patient safety events
AJ Forster, Burnand B, Droesler S, Gurevich Y, Harrison J, Januel JM, Romano PS, Southern DA, Sundararajan V, Quan H, Vanderloo SE, Pincus HA, Ghali WA.
- International variation in the definition of 'main condition' in ICD-coded health data.
Quan H, Moskal L, Forster AJ, Brien S, Walker R, Romano PS, Sundararajan V, Burnand B, Henriksson G, Steinum O, Droesler S, Pincus HA, Ghali WA.
- Opportunities and challenges for quality and safety applications in ICD-11: an international survey of users of coded health data.
Southern DA, Hall M, White DE, Romano PS, Sundararajan V, Droesler SE, Pincus HA, Ghali WA.
- Deriving ICD-10 Codes for Patient Safety Indicators for Large-scale Surveillance Using Administrative Hospital Data.
DA Southern, Burnand B, Droesler S, Flemons W, Forster A, Gurevich Y, Harrison J, Quan H, Pincus HA, Romano PS, Sundararajan V, Kostanjsek N, Ghali WA
- ICD-11 for quality and safety: overview of the WHO Quality and Safety Topic Advisory Group.
Ghali WA, Pincus HA, Southern DA, Brien SE, Romano PS, Burnand B, Drösler SE, Sundararajan V, Moskal L, Forster AJ, Gurevich Y, Quan H, Colin C, Munier WB, Harrison J, Spaeth-Rublee B, Kostanjsek N, Ustün TB.
- Capturing diagnosis-timing in ICD-coded hospital data: recommendations from the WHO ICD-11 topic advisory group on quality and safety.
Sundararajan V, Romano PS, Quan H, Burnand B, Drösler SE, Brien S, Pincus HA, Ghali WA
- Enhanced capture of healthcare-related harms and injuries in the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11).
Southern DA, Pincus HA, Romano PS, Burnand B, Harrison J, Forster AJ, Moskal L, Quan H, Droesler SE, Sundararajan V, Colin C, Gurevich Y, Brien SE, Kostanjsek N, Üstün B, Ghali WA; World Health Organization ICD-11 Revision Topic Advisory Group on Quality & Safety.
- Field testing a new ICD coding system: methods and early experiences with ICD-11 Beta Version 2018
- Eastwood C.A., Southern D.A., Khair S., Doktorchik C., Cullen D., Ghali W.A., Quan H.
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- Leaving the Walkman and ICD-9 Behind: Modernizing the Disease Classification System Used by Canadian Physicians
- Garies S., McBrien K.A., Dickinson J.A., Eastwood C., Southern D.A., McDonald T., Drummond N., O'Beirne M., Quan H.
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- Coding mechanisms for diagnosis timing in the International Classification of Diseases, Version 11
- Sundararajan V., Le Pogam M.-A., Southern D.A., Pincus H.A., Ghali W.A.
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- Decision algorithm for when to use the ICD-11 3-part model for healthcare harms
- Eastwood C.A., Khair S., Southern D.A.
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- The three-part model for coding causes and mechanisms of healthcare-related adverse events
- Southern D.A., Harrison J.E., Romano P.S., Le Pogam M.-A., Pincus H.A., Ghali W.A.
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- Describing agreement in the main condition coding field using Canadian ICD-11 inpatient data
- Wiebe N., Quan H., Southern D.A., Doktorchik C., Eastwood C.
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- Training and experience of coding with the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Diseases, Eleventh Revision
- Eastwood C.A., Southern D.A., Doktorchik C., Khair S., Cullen D., Boxill A., Maciszewski M., Varela L.O., Ghali W., Moskal L., Quan H.
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- IFHIMA Fosters Planning for ICD-11 Adoption with Global Case Studies
- Includes a case study titled "Clinical Coders as Researchers in a Field Trial Testing ICD-11 for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics Coding: A Case Study from Canada" written by Cathy Eastwood (page 23).
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- A qualitative evaluation of clinically coded data quality from health information manager perspectives
- Doktorchik C., Lu M., Quan H., Ringham C., Eastwood C.
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- International Classification of Diseases clinical coding training: An international survey
- Otero Varela L., Doktorchik C., Wiebe N., Southern D.A., Knudsen S., Mathur P., Quan H., Eastwood C.A.
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- Exploring the differences in ICD and hospital morbidity data collection features across countries: an international survey
- Otero Varela L., Doktorchik C., Wiebe N., Quan H., Eastwood C.
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- A World Health Organization field trial assessing a proposed ICD-11 framework for classifying patient safety events
- AJ Forster, Burnand B, Droesler S, Gurevich Y, Harrison J, Januel JM, Romano PS, Southern DA, Sundararajan V, Quan H, Vanderloo SE, Pincus HA, Ghali WA.
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- International variation in the definition of 'main condition' in ICD-coded health data.
- Quan H, Moskal L, Forster AJ, Brien S, Walker R, Romano PS, Sundararajan V, Burnand B, Henriksson G, Steinum O, Droesler S, Pincus HA, Ghali WA.
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- Opportunities and challenges for quality and safety applications in ICD-11: an international survey of users of coded health data.
- Southern DA, Hall M, White DE, Romano PS, Sundararajan V, Droesler SE, Pincus HA, Ghali WA.
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- Deriving ICD-10 Codes for Patient Safety Indicators for Large-scale Surveillance Using Administrative Hospital Data.
- DA Southern, Burnand B, Droesler S, Flemons W, Forster A, Gurevich Y, Harrison J, Quan H, Pincus HA, Romano PS, Sundararajan V, Kostanjsek N, Ghali WA
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- ICD-11 for quality and safety: overview of the WHO Quality and Safety Topic Advisory Group.
- Ghali WA, Pincus HA, Southern DA, Brien SE, Romano PS, Burnand B, Drösler SE, Sundararajan V, Moskal L, Forster AJ, Gurevich Y, Quan H, Colin C, Munier WB, Harrison J, Spaeth-Rublee B, Kostanjsek N, Ustün TB.
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- Capturing diagnosis-timing in ICD-coded hospital data: recommendations from the WHO ICD-11 topic advisory group on quality and safety.
- Sundararajan V, Romano PS, Quan H, Burnand B, Drösler SE, Brien S, Pincus HA, Ghali WA
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- Enhanced capture of healthcare-related harms and injuries in the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11).
- Southern DA, Pincus HA, Romano PS, Burnand B, Harrison J, Forster AJ, Moskal L, Quan H, Droesler SE, Sundararajan V, Colin C, Gurevich Y, Brien SE, Kostanjsek N, Üstün B, Ghali WA; World Health Organization ICD-11 Revision Topic Advisory Group on Quality & Safety.
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- Retrospective Database Analysis to Estimate Adherence Rates of HIV Patients in Canada
To request supplementary results files, please email
- Health care cost of severe obesity and obesity-related comorbidities: A retrospective cohort study from Alberta, Canada
- Butalia S., Luu H., Guigue A., Martins K.J.B., Williamson T., Klarenbach S.W.
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- Trajectory of health care resources among adults stopping or reducing treatment frequency of botulinum toxin for chronic migraine treatment in Alberta, Canada
- Richer L., Luu H., Martins K.J.B., Vu K., Guigue A., Wong K.O., Nguyen P.U., Rajapakse T., Williamson T., Klarenbach S.W.
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- Analgesic Use Among Adults with a Trauma-Related Emergency Department Visit: A Retrospective Cohort Study from Alberta, Canada
- Sevcik B., Lobay K., Luu H., Martins K.J.B., Vu K., Nguyen P.U., Bohlouli S., Eurich D.T., Lester E.L.W., Williamson T., Richer L., Klarenbach S.W.
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- Retrospective Database Analysis to Estimate Adherence Rates of HIV Patients in Canada
- To request supplementary results files, please email
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- Design Principles in mHealth Interventions for Sustainable Health Behavior Changes: Protocol for a Systematic Review
- Yang L., Kuang A., Xu C., Shewchuk B., Singh S., Quan H., Zeng Y.
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- Automatic Identification of Information Quality Metrics in Health News Stories
- Al-Jefri M., Evans R., Lee J., Ghezzi P.
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- Consumer-grade wearable device for predicting frailty in canadian home care service clients: Prospective observational proof-of-concept study
- Kim B., McKay S.M., Lee J.
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- Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Sleep on Twitter: Multicountry and Fully Labeled Public Data Set for Digital Public Health Surveillance Research
- Abad Z.S.H., Butler G.P., Thompson W., Lee J.
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- Community paramedic point of care testing: Validity and usability of two commercially available devices
- Blanchard I.E., Kozicky R., Dalgarno D., Simms J., Goulder S., Williamson T.S., Biesbroek S., Page L., Leaman K., Snozyk S., Redman L., Spackman K., Doig C.J., Lang E.S., Lazarenko G.
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- Fall risk classification in community-dwelling older adults using a smart wrist-worn device and the resident assessment instrument-home care: Prospective observational study
- Yang Y., Hirdes J.P., Dubin J.A., Lee J.
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- Rheum4U: Development and testing of a web-based tool for improving the quality of care for patients with rheumatoid arthritis
- Barber C.E.H., Sandhu N., Rankin J.A., MacMullan P., Marshall D.A., Barnabe C., Hazlewood G.S., Emrick A., Stevenson M., Then K.L., Benseler S., Twilt M., Mosher D.
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- Consumer mobile apps for potential drug-drug interaction check: Systematic review and content analysis using the mobile app rating scale (MARS)
- Kim B.Y.B., Sharafoddini A., Tran N., Wen E.Y., Lee J.
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- The use of technology in identifying hospital malnutrition: Scoping review
- Trtovac D., Lee J.
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- Wastewater-based surveillance can be used to model COVID-19-associated workforce absenteeism
- Acosta N., Dai X., Bautista M.A., Waddell B.J., Lee J., Du K., McCalder J., Pradhan P., Papparis C., Lu X., Chekouo T., Krusina A., Southern D., Williamson T., Clark R.G., Patterson R.A., Westlund P., Meddings J., Ruecker N., Lammiman C., Duerr C., Achari G., Hrudey S.E., Lee B.E., Pang X., Frankowski K., Hubert C.R.J., Parkins M.D.
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- Campus node-based wastewater surveillance enables COVID-19 case localization and confirms lower SARS-CoV-2 burden relative to the surrounding community
- Lee J., Acosta N., Waddell B.J., Du K., Xiang K., Van Doorn J., Low K., Bautista M.A., McCalder J., Dai X., Lu X., Chekouo T., Pradhan P., Sedaghat N., Papparis C., Buchner Beaudet A., Chen J., Chan L., Vivas L., Westlund P., Bhatnagar S., Stefani S., Visser G., Cabaj J., Bertazzon S., Sarabi S., Achari G., Clark R.G., Hrudey S.E., Lee B.E., Pang X., Webster B., Ghali W.A., Buret A.G., Williamson T., Southern D.A., Meddings J., Frankowski K., Hubert C.R.J., Parkins M.D.
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- Patient experiences of virtual care across specialist neuroscience and psychiatry clinics related to the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Calgary, Alberta
- Lu M., Crooks R.E., Pricop D.F., Cox E., Anghelescu B., Hamilton M., Martino D., Bruno V., Josephson C.B., Patten S., Smith E.E., Roach P.
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- Adverse childhood experiences: a meta-analysis of prevalence and moderators among half a million adults in 206 studies
- Madigan S., Deneault A.-A., Racine N., Park J., Thiemann R., Zhu J., Dimitropoulos G., Williamson T., Fearon P., Cénat J.M., McDonald S., Devereux C., Neville R.D.
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- COVID-19 Vaccine's Speed to Market and Vaccine Hesitancy: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study
- Memedovich A., Farkas B., Hollis A., Salmon C., Hu J., Zinszer K., Williamson T., Beall R.F.
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- Lung ultrasound: A comparison of image interpretation accuracy between curvilinear and phased array transducers
- Walsh M.H., Smyth L.M., Desy J.R., Fischer E.A., Goffi A., Li N., Lee M., St-Pierre J., Ma I.W.Y.
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- Longitudinal SARS-CoV-2 RNA wastewater monitoring across a range of scales correlates with total and regional COVID-19 burden in a well-defined urban population
- Acosta N., Bautista M.A., Waddell B.J., McCalder J., Beaudet A.B., Man L., Pradhan P., Sedaghat N., Papparis C., Bacanu A., Hollman J., Krusina A., Southern D.A., Williamson T., Li C., Bhatnagar S., Murphy S., Chen J., Kuzma D., Clark R., Meddings J., Hu J., Cabaj J.L., Conly J.M., Dai X., Lu X., Chekouo T., Ruecker N.J., Achari G., Ryan M.C., Frankowski K., Hubert C.R.J., Parkins M.D.
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- SARS-CoV-2 infection in Africa: A systematic review and meta-analysis of standardised seroprevalence studies, from January 2020 to December 2021
- Lewis H.C., Ware H., Whelan M., Subissi L., Li Z., Ma X., Nardone A., Valenciano M., Cheng B., Noel K., Cao C., Yanes-Lane M., Herring B.L., Talisuna A., Ngoy N., Balde T., Clifton D., Van Kerkhove M.D., Buckeridge D., Bobrovitz N., Okeibunor J., Arora R.K., Bergeri I., Adamou R., Adegnika A.A., Assoumou S.Z., Audu R.A., Barnor J.S., Birru E., Bosa H.K., Boucher E.L., Chauma-Mwale A., Cheng M.P., Chen J., Cohen C., Dabakuyo-Yonli T.S., Deveaux G., Diop B., Divala T.H., Dokubo E.K., Donkor I.O., Donnici C., Duarte N., Duarte N.A., Ekouevi D.K., Essone P.N., Evans T.G., Fairlie L., Faye O., von Gottberg A., Harris T.G., Ilincic N., Ilori E.A., Kleynhans J., Kim D., Kolawole O.M., Kondwani J.C., Liu M., Loeschnik E., Makiala-Mandanda S., Manirakiza A., Mawien P.N., Mutevedzi P.C., Mwenda J.M., Ndong P.E., Ngoungou E.B., Ntoumi F., Osoro E.M., Ouedraogo S., Oyegue S.L., Perlman-Arrow S., Papenburg J., Quan H., Rahim H.P., Sachathep K., Sawry S., Segal M., Selemon A., Shang J., Siawaya J.F.D., Stafford K.A., Steinhardt L., Talla C., Tinto H., Traore I.T., Theu J.A., Vigan-Womas I., Williamson T., Yan T., Yansouni C.P., Zhang C., UNITY Studies Collaborator Group
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- A data-informed system to manage scarce blood product allocation in a randomized controlled trial of convalescent plasma
- Li N., Zeller M.P., Shih A.W., Heddle N.M., St. John M., Bégin P., Callum J., Arnold D.M., Akbari-Moghaddam M., Down D.G., Jamula E., Devine D.V., Tinmouth A.
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- Hospital red blood cell and platelet supply and utilization from March to December of the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: The BEST collaborative study
- Lu W., Yazer M., Li N., Ziman A., Wendel S., Tang H., Tsang H., Titlestad K., Thibodeaux S.R., Shih A.W., Poisson J.L., Pham T., Pandey S., Pagano M.B., Shan H., Murphy M., Murphy C., Savioli M.L., Kutner J.M., Hess A.S., Fontaine M.J., Fachini R., Dunbar N.M., Kaufman R.M., Biomedical Excellence for Safer Transfusions Collaborative
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- Stringency of containment and closures on the growth of SARS-CoV-2 in Canada prior to accelerated vaccine roll-out
- Vickers D.M., Baral S., Mishra S., Kwong J.C., Sundaram M., Katz A., Calzavara A., Maheu-Giroux M., Buckeridge D.L., Williamson T.
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- Geographic concentration of SARS-CoV-2 cases by social determinants of health in metropolitan areas in Canada: a cross-sectional study
- Xia Y., Ma H., Moloney G., Velásquez García H.A., Sirski M., Janjua N.Z., Vickers D., Williamson T., Katz A., Yiu K., Kustra R., Buckeridge D.L., Brisson M., Baral S.D., Mishra S., Maheu-Giroux M.
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- Increasing concentration of COVID-19 by socioeconomic determinants and geography in Toronto, Canada: an observational study
- Mishra S., Ma H., Moloney G., Yiu K.C.Y., Darvin D., Landsman D., Kwong J.C., Calzavara A., Straus S., Chan A.K., Gournis E., Rilkoff H., Xia Y., Katz A., Williamson T., Malikov K., Kustra R., Maheu-Giroux M., Sander B., Baral S.D., COVID-19 Heterogeneity Research Group
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- Convalescent plasma for adults with acute COVID-19 respiratory illness (CONCOR-1): study protocol for an international, multicentre, randomized, open-label trial
- Bégin P., Callum J., Heddle N.M., Cook R., Zeller M.P., Tinmouth A., Fergusson D.A., Cushing M.M., Glesby M.J., Chassé M., Devine D.V., Robitalle N., Bazin R., Shehata N., Finzi A., McGeer A., Scales D.C., Schwartz L., Turgeon A.F., Zarychanski R., Daneman N., Carl R., Amorim L., Gabe C., Ellis M., Sachais B.S., Loftsgard K.C., Jamula E., Carruthers J., Duncan J., Lucier K., Li N., Liu Y., Armali C., Kron A., Modi D., Auclair M.-C., Cerro S., Avram M., Arnold D.M.
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- Convalescent plasma for hospitalized patients with COVID-19: an open-label, randomized controlled trial
- Bégin P., Callum J., Jamula E., Cook R., Heddle N.M., Tinmouth A., Zeller M.P., Beaudoin-Bussières G., Amorim L., Bazin R., Loftsgard K.C., Carl R., Chassé M., Cushing M.M., Daneman N., Devine D.V., Dumaresq J., Fergusson D.A., Gabe C., Glesby M.J., Li N., Liu Y., McGeer A., Robitaille N., Sachais B.S., Scales D.C., Schwartz L., Shehata N., Turgeon A.F., Wood H., Zarychanski R., Finzi A., Marceau D., Huang A., Carr H., Lin Y., Lall R., Graham C., Arsenault C., Sales V., Sidhu D., Semret M., Hamm C., Arhanchiague E., Solh Z., Srour N., Soliman K., Yee C., Laroche V., Nahirniak S., Greenaway C., Pai M., Côté A., Tsang J.L.Y., Cserti-Gazdewich C., Talbot D., Poulin S., Guimaraes R., Rushton-Marovac M., Langlois A., Ning S., Shih A., Boileau M., Singh H., Ledingham D., Ponnampalam A., Yan M., Prokopchuk-Gauk O., Poirier A., Girouard G., Pavenski K., Drouin O., Harris D., Durand M., Rimmer E., Ovakim D., Ménard F., Cuccarolo G., Carruthers J., Lucier K., Auclair M.-C., Avram M., Brassard M., Cerro S., Martinez V., Morin J., Saint-Jacques M., Veillette M., Armali C., Kron A., Modi D., Duncan J., Justumus P., John M.S., St-Onge G., Hadzi-Tosev M., Dion P.-M., McGillivary L., de Moulliac A.V., Nyman S.A., Perilli S., Van Vliet P.J., Lane S., Pereira R., Sirotich E., Abelson J., Greene S., Khandelwal A., Thakar S., Longo S., Anand S.P., Benlarbi M., Bourassa C., Boutin M., Descôteaux-Dinelle J., Gendron-Lepage G., Goyette G., Laumaea A., Medjahed H., Prévost J., Richard J., Kaufmann D., Brunet-Ratnasingham E., Chaumont N., Drebot M., Robinson A., Mendoza E., Dimitrova K., Manguiat K., Phillipson C., Chan M., Evans D., Lin J., Boyer L., Cloutier M., Drouin M., Ducas É., Dussault N., Fournier M.-J., Landy P., Nolin M.-È., Perreault J., Tremblay T., Nazy I., Xie F., Liu D., Wong M., Silverio G., Walkus K., Barton M., Haveman K., Mueller D., Scott A., Moher M., Wood G., Roarty T., Auld F., Carney G., Thomson V., Onell R., Walley K., Donohoe K., Brunk C., Hernandez G., Jacobucci T., Lazosky L., Mann P., Raval G., Zampieri L.A., Sekhon M., Wright A., James N., Chang G., Chen R., Deol K., Gantioqui J., Larsen E., Ramdin N., Roche M., Rosinski K., Sham L., Storms M., Gillrie M., Mahe E., Suryanarayan D., Ugarte-Torres A., Robinson T., Gibbs M., Hewsgirard J., Holmes M., McCarthy J., Ody M., Doucette K., Sligl W., Sonpar A., Robertson K., Narayan J., Ravindran L., Stewart B., Zapernick L., Lee S., Sy E., Wong A., Gryzb K., Craddock S., Fuchs D., Myrah D., Sunny S., Harding S.R., Kogilwaimath S., Hodgson N., Johnson D., Meier S., Thomson K., Heendeniya A., Houston B., Kenyan Y., Lother S., Olafson K., Rush B., Wuerz T., Solvason D., Albensi L., Alias S., Choi N., Curtis L., Hutmacher M., Kashani H., Lane D., Marten N., Pronyk-Ward T., Rigaux L., Silva R., Tays Q., Naidu R., Mathews J., Mai M., Miceli V., Molson L., Radhakrishnan G., Schaefer L., Haddad M., Landry S., Chernish R., Kruisselbrink R., Liu T., Jeromin J., Siddiqui A., Girolametto C., Krokoszynski K., Main C., Fox-Robichaud A., Rochwerg B., Kruja E., Ellingham D., Sampat D., Tang N., Leto D., Karunakaran M., Ricciuto D., Fusco K., Ghate T., Robinson H., Ball I., Shalhoub S., Slessarev M., Silverman M., Nano E., Bentall T., Campbell E., Kinney J., Parvathy S., Fera E., Delfa A.L., Nadarajah J., Solow H., Mendoza E., Engel K., Monaco D., Kononow L., Suntharalingam S., Fralick M., Munshi L., Saeed S., Hajjaj O., Hsu E., Ali K., Duan E., Farjou G., Jenson L., Salib M., Patterson L., Anant S., Ding J., Jomy J., Das P., Geagea A., Ingber S., Owen E., Lostun A., Albano T., Chatterjee A., Giraldo M., Hickey J., Lee I., Okada N., Pasquale N., Ponzielli R., Rahmat M., Sabur S., Schlag M., Aguiar L., Damani A., Hong S., Kokabi M., Perkins C., Cowan J., Giulivi T., MacFadden D., Cyr J., Pecarskie A., Porteous R., Vedder P.O., Watpool I., Berardi P., Bustani L., Graver A., Iyengar A., Kisilewicz M., Majewski J., Marovac M., Murthy R., Sharma K., Walcer M., Chagla Z., Cheung J., Duan E., Clarke F., Matic K., Giraldo M., Hickey J., Lee I., Okada N., Pasquale N., Ponzielli R., Rahmat M., Sabur S., Schlag M., Carpenter T., Schwartz K., Suthar P., Jiwajee A., Lindsay D., Malik A., Tse B., Matukas L., Ray J., Bell S., Krok E., Guo R., John S., Joshi V., Keen J., Lazongas C., Ostro J., Shore K., Wang J., Choi J., Nallapati P., Irwin T., Wang V., Sheldrake P., Adhikari N., Wunsch H., Bailey J., Meirovich H., Colavecchia C., Kahwash E., Sud S., Romano M., Coburn B., Del Sorbo L., Granton J., Husain S., Pendergrast J., Sharkawy A., Wilcox L., Saeed S., Hajjaj O., Kulikova M., Massin S., Kennette W., Mazzetti I., Naccarato K., Park G., Pennetti A., Primeau C., Vilag C., Lapointe Y., Lemay A.-S., Duceppe E., Rioux-Massé B., Tremblay C., Arlotto P., Bouchard C., Matte S., Messier-Peet M., Francoeur C.-L., Lauzier F., Leblanc G., Bellemare D., Cloutier È., Costerousse O., Chénard É.C., Daher R., Daigle M., Grenier S., Guilbeault G., Rioux M.-P., St-Onge M., Tremblay A., Beaudoin B., Lanthier L., Larrivée P., Morin P.-A., Carbonneau É., Lacasse R., Autmizguine J., Boucoiran I., Du Pont-Thibodeau G., La Haye A., Lague V., Léveillé K., Quach-Thanh C., Émériaud G., Jouvet P., Haddad É., Turgeon-Provost C., Fox S., Baldé D., Ménard L., Morissette S., Schnorr-Meloche M., Turcotte A.-A., Vallée C., Castonguay S., Nguyen T., Rivest N., Roussos M., Simoneau E., Belecciu A., Bouchard M.-H., Daviau E., Martin C., Sabourin N., Tremblay S., Gagné É., Gagné N.-L., Larouche J., Larouche V., Tremblay V., Tremblay V., Blanchette P., Claveau D., Lamarre M., Tapps D., Albert M., Duca A., Leduc J.-M., Boudreault-Pedneault J.-S., Barsalou A., Deschênes-Dion S., Ibrahim S., Ridyard S., Rousseau J., Ahern S., Arsenault M.-P., Dufresne S.-F., Mollica L., Wang H.T., Beau S., Beaupré D., Dégarie M., Delorme I., Farkas M., Gratton M.-O., Guertin A., Jalbert G., Meilleur M., Labrecque C.R., Santos É., Lu J.T., Auger J., Lessard M.-C., Mardini L., Pesant Y., Delves L., Delves L., Denault S., Grigorova S., Lambert M., Langille N., Langlois C., Rock C., Sardin-Laframboise Y., Archambault P., Bélanger-Pelletier J., Duquet-Deblois E., Dupuis-Picard V., Hamelin Y., Leduc S., Richard M., Fortin M., Gervais P., Boulay M.-È., Ferland C., Guertin J., Lepage J., Roy A., Assouline S., Caplan S., Kong L., Canticas C., Mayhew C., Ouedraogo J., Tep T.-S., Batist G., Cheng M., Klein M., Kronfli N., Pelletier P., Qureshi S., Vinh D., Dziarmaga R., Peiris H., Proulx-Boucher K., Roger J., Rothschild M.-A., Yuen C.-Y., Barkati S., Routy J.-P., Sinanan-Pelletier S., LeBlanc R., St-Hilaire E., Thibeault P., Morin K., Caissie G., Collette J.C., Daigle L., Daigle M., Gendron B., Godin N., Lapointe A., Moreau G., Ouellette-Bernier L., Rockburn J., Sonier-Ferguson B., Wilson C., DeSimone R., Ellsworth G., Fry R., Goss N., Gulick R., Vaamonde C., Wilkin T., Arar C., Berardi J., Chen D., Garcia-Miller C., Goldbach A., Gripp L., Hayden D., Kane K., Li J., Marcelin K.-A., Megill C., Nelson M., Paguntalan A., Raab G., Resso G., Rosario R., Rossen N., Tamura S., Zhao E., Goss C., Kim Y., Patel E., Paul S., Romero T., ElBadri N., Flores L., Sandoval T., Kapadia S., Vasovic L., Griffiths S.-K., Alvarado D., Goudy F., Lewis M., Loizou M., Louie R., Pambrun C., Torrance S., Drews S., McManus J., Cuevas O., Lafresne W., Ruoso P., Shin C., Steed T., Ward R., Allard I., Germain M., Girard S., Parent É., Pigeon C.-M., Lopes M.E., Pêcego M., Rosario N., da Costa Silva C.A., Oliveira T., Lopes M.C., Mateos S., Hall L., Paradiso S., Strauss D., Arnold D.M., the CONCOR-1 Study Group
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