Jiami Yang

Research Assistant

Centre for Health Informatics

Research Assistant

Concordia University

BComm - Accounting

Yunnan Normal University Business School

Contact information


Jiami's major research interest is in design science and its applications to behavior changes. Particularly, she investigates the impact of the mental stress on human performance.


  1. Jiami Yang, Yong Zeng*, Stephen Ekwaro-Osire, Abraham Nispel, Hua Ge (2021), Environment-based life cycle decomposition (eLCD): integration of product usefulness and environment sustainability, Journal of Integrated Design & Process Science (JIDPS)
  2. Wenhang Du, Jiami Yang, Hua Ge*, Jun Yan, Nadia Bhuiyan, Xiao Liu, Fayi Zhou and Yong Zeng* (2021), Environment-based design (EBD) approach to identify critical issues in managing municipal solid waste: Nairobi, Kenyan case study, SDSC 2021: 6th international conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities