Clinician Investigator Program
We believe resident research has a positive impact on Canadian healthcare. With our community of clinician researchers, CIP can help you reach your MSc, PhD or Postdoc research goals.

Welcome to the Clinician Investigator Program
Dr. Jena Hall, CIP Program Director
The CIP is a Royal College accredited program that provides trainees who are interested in pursuing a career as a clinician researcher with the opportunity to pursue graduate training (Master’s, PhD, or Postdoctoral training) as part of residency training. Graduate degrees should be purposeful, related to your specialty or sub-specialty training, and support your long-term goals.
As a graduate of the CIP myself, I can’t say enough about how this program, and the opportunities that stemmed from it, have positively shaped my career. I, alongside our administrative team, hope to create the same experience and support for trainees within the Calgary CIP.
The Future Trainees link at the top of the page explains the program, and how you can apply. You’ll also find links to frequently asked questions, contact information, and other resources.
On behalf of the CIP team, welcome. I look forward to working with you.
Program Director, Clinician Investigator Program