Distributed Learning and Rural Initiatives recognizes the work and passion that our rural preceptors bring to teaching in the community. Nominate someone for a Rural Recognition Award to distinguish their effort in the rural medicine community. We want to hear from community members, learners, staff, administrators, and colleagues of the people who are outstanding at what they do.
Please find previous winners and award information here.
Eligibility at a glance:
Early Educator Award
Given to a UCalgary preceptor from any discipline who has demonstrated commitment and enthusiasm for medical education, is in the first five years of teaching, and located outside Calgary.
Nominations welcome from: Preceptor colleagues, learners, and/or administration
Dr. Hal Irvine Community Focus Award
Given to a UCalgary preceptor who has demonstrated dedication to improving the quality of life in their community through service and personal commitment and has practiced for at least five years.
Nominations welcome from: Community members and/or preceptor colleagues
Dr. Ian Bennett Meritorious Service Award
Given to a UCalgary preceptor with a demonstrated education focus of over 10 years duration, or a single extraordinary demonstration of dedication to medical education.
Nominations welcome from: Preceptor colleagues, administration, community members, and/or allied health care practitioners
Inter-professional Education Award
Given to a professional in any discipline teaching UCalgary medical learners. They have demonstrated educational effectiveness across professions/disciplines or who has promoted effective function of rural teams through inter-professional education?
Nominations welcome from: preceptor colleagues and/or allied health care practitioners. Learners (students and residents) may nominate with supporting letters from other professionals.
Dr. Spencer R. McLean Peer to Peer Teaching Award
Given to a UCalgary resident in any discipline who has demonstrated educational efforts across their practice and demonstrates qualities of a caring and compassionate mentor? They are at the PGY1 level or greater.
Nominations welcome from: Preceptor colleagues, learners (residents or students), and/or administration
Undergraduate Medical Education Rural Inspiration Award
Given to a UME University of Calgary preceptor who has inspired students to consider rural training or a rural career.
Nominations welcome from: University of Calgary undergraduate medical students.
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