Rural Recognition Awards
DLRI recognizes the work and passion that our rural preceptors, residents, and health care professionals bring to their communities.
Pre·cep·tor: A teacher; an expert who gives practical experience and training to a student.

Early Educator Award
2019 Winner: Dr. Ashley Rommens
Do you know a UCalgary preceptor who has demonstrated a commitment to and an enthusiasm for medical education? Is he/she in the first five years of teaching practice located in a community outside of Calgary?
Nominations welcome from: Preceptor colleagues, learners, and/or administration

Dr. Hal Irvine Community Focus Award
2019 Winner: Dr. Kristy Penner
Dedicated to educating future generations of physicians, Hal inspired his students with his passion for rural medicine and his commitment to life-long learning to serve his patients and his community. Throughout his 35-year career in rural family medicine, Hal believed in the value of long-term relationships and cared deeply for his patients, his colleagues and his community. A compassionate and skilled physician who lead by example, Hal demonstrated that collegiality and a strong multidisciplinary team are essential to providing the best rural health care. It was always important to Hal to deliver the kind of service to his patients that he would like to receive. He often said, "Our patients don't care how much we know until they know how much we care."
Do you know a UCalgary preceptor who has demonstrated dedication, through service and personal commitment, to improving the quality of life in their community? Has he/she been in practice for a minimum of five years? Let us know – nominate now!

Dr. Ian Bennett Meritorious Service Award
“Take care of each other and keep up the good work.”
2019 Winner: Dr. Robert Perlau
These were two of Dr. Ian Bennett’s signature expressions. Ian was a generous colleague, an interested teacher, a leader in continuing education for rural doctors, and a committed member of his community. He is remembered as knowledgeable and caring— though some might experience that caring as tough love. He believed that we should nurture and celebrate the good work of our colleagues, and then have faith that this good work would continue afterwards.
Do you know a UCalgary physician preceptor with a demonstrated education focus of over 10 years duration, or a single extraordinary demonstration of dedication to medical education? Let us know – nominate now!
Nominations welcome from: Preceptor colleagues, administration, community members, and/or allied health care practitioners.

Inter-Professional Education Award
2019 Winner: Annamaria Mundell
Teamwork and inter-professional collaboration is a crucial part of rural practice. Do you know a professional in any discipline teaching UCalgary medical learners who has demonstrated educational effectiveness across professions/disciplines or who has promoted effective function of rural teams through inter-professional education?” Let us know – nominate now!
Dr. Spencer R. McLean Peer-to-Peer Teaching Award
2019 Winner: Dr. Hart Stadnick
Spencer McLean was a young orthopedic surgeon who lost his life to kidney cancer in June 2013. He was a highly regarded peer teacher whose communication style was based on a sincere respect for others and empathy for their circumstances. As a resident, he was known for his humanity and compassion, his mentorship of junior residents and medical students, and his tireless energy and wit.
Do you know a UCalgary resident in any discipline who has demonstrated educational efforts across disciplines and the qualities of a caring and compassionate mentor? Is he/she at the PGY1 level or greater? Let us know – nominate now!
Nominations welcome from: Preceptor colleagues, learners (residents or students) and/or administration.

NEW: Undergraduate Medical Education Rural Inspiration Award
Do you know a UME University of Calgary preceptor who has inspired students to consider rural training or a rural career? Nominate now!
Nominations are welcome from University of Calgary undergraduate medical students.
Award nominations will be reviewed by the awards committee after November 15. Award winners and their nominator will be notified in January of next year. Nominate