Welcome to the RESTORE Network

Where our mission is to improve the cardiovascular, neurological and musculoskeletal health of patients of all ages living with neurological disorders through integrative research and technological innovation.


Who We Are


REsearching STrategies fOr REhabilitation (RESTORE)


The RESTORE Network is a multi-institute initiative (Hotchkiss Brain Institute, Libin Cardiovascular Institute, McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health) created to enhance research into clinical neurorehabilitation across the lifespan.

The RESTORE Network aims to enhance the recovery and lives of individuals living with a number of neurological disorders by evaluating and discovering novel therapeutic interventions. 

Our team is comprised of Scientists, Clinicians, and Engineers with the expertise to conduct multidisciplinary and integrative clinical research in spinal cord injury, stroke, and other movement impairments.

Implant of epidural array

Spinal Cord Injury




Movement Impairment

Latest News

A stethoscope is seen next to a computer in this file image. (Negative Space/Pexels)

Researchers to explore new uses for AI in Alberta's health-care system

Funding for Alberta researchers and tech companies will take the province one step closer to incorporating more artificial intelligence (AI) technology into the health-care system.

CTV News: Read more


Emme Comeau, left, is a participant in Samuel Finnegan’s research project.

UCalgary mobilizes students, researchers and robots to help kids thrive

Biomedical engineering students apply technology to improve quality of life for kids with movement impairments.

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Don Snider

Rewiring the Brain: A Stroke Survivor’s Journey to Recovery

After experiencing a life-altering stroke in November 2022, Don Snider was faced with uncertainty and daunting obstacles on his road to recovery. However, through his resilience and the support of the Calgary Stroke Program, he began to regain strength, mobility and hope.

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Jaxon and Joseph walk with the aid of Trexo

Jaxon and Joseph's radiothon story

Brothers with rare genetic disorders walk with the aid of ground-breaking Trexo robotic technology.

Global News: Read more.

CTV News

Robotic walking increases mobility for kids

The PONI lab at the U of C and CP Kids and Families demonstrate new developments in using robots to increase mobility for kids.

CTV News: Read more.

May 2023

RESTORE Network combines research with innovative technologies for people with neurological disorders

Network is already improving the quality of life for people living with spinal cord injury, stroke and movement impairments.

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RESTORE Network launches

The RESTORE Network launches in Calgary to study and improve neurological rehabilitation.

CBC: Read more.

Global News: Read more.

The Globe and Mail: Read more.


Centre for neurological disorder therapies

Calgary researchers building one of 'key centres in the world' for neurological disorder therapies.

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Circulation disorders

UCalgary-led study provides insight for circulation disorders in brain and spinal cord

A scientific finding by a team of researchers, led by Dr. Aaron Phillips, in collaboration with researchers at King’s College London, offers hope for new treatments for individuals with circulation disorders in the brain and spinal cord. 

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Dr Aaron Phillips - Brain Canada

The hidden health consequences of spinal cord injury

Future Leaders funding to understand the nervous system to solve the hidden health consequences of spinal cord injury.

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ASIA SCI Podcasts

A talk with Dr. Aaron Phillips about his peer reviewed paper published in the journal Nature. 

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Mother and child

'Robotic Legs' for Daughter with Rare Disease

Family of two years old with a rare genetic condition, known as GNB1 syndrome, seek funding to purchase Trexo robot after participating in robotic gait training research at the Pediatric Onset of Neuromotor Impairment Lab.

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Trexo in use

'Her face lit up': Alberta woman seeks to give her daughter new legs

Alberta woman sets up GoFundMe site to help raise funds for a Trexo robotic gait trainer for her daughter living with GNB1 syndrome, a disorder that prevents her brain from communicating properly with the rest of her body.

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Robot Assisted Gait Training

Research on Trexo robot assisted gait training in children with cerebral palsy, led by Dr Elizabeth Condliffe, is featured on CTV.

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RESTORE Network Logo

The RESTORE Network - Focus on Impact

The RESTORE Network is featured in the Cumming School of Medicine's Report to Community for leading innovative and transdisciplinary neurorehabilitation research

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Dr. Tyler Cluff Headshot

Exoskeleton Robot Sheds Light on Learning & Stroke Recovery

UCalgary clincal trial maps how we learn motor skills, and the results could be a game-changer for stroke rehabilitation. 

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Dr. Phillips headshot

Dr. Aaron Phillips Receives 2021 Turnbull-Tator Award

Co-sponsored by Brain Canada and the Barbara Turnbull Foundation, the Turnbull-Tator Award in Spinal Cord Injury and Concussion Research recognizes an outstanding publication by a Canadian researcher in the field. 

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Dr. Aaron Phillips headshot

International Award for Excellence Presented to Dr. Aaron Phillips

Dr. Aaron Phillips of the RESTORE Network received the 2021 Arthur C. Guyton Award for Excellence in Integrative Physiology and Medicine.

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Dr. Aaron Phillips headshot

Dr. Aaron Phillips Wins 2021 CAN Young Investigator Award

The Canadian Association for Neuroscience recognized Dr. Aaron Phillips for his early career accomplishments and strong research program.

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X-ray image of spine

Electrical Stimulation Stabilizes BP in Spinal Cord Injury

The RESTORE Network's Dr. Aaron Phillips co-led a groundbreaking research study recently published in Nature.

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Dr. Patrick Whelan headshot

Dr. Patrick Whelan Awarded CIHR Project Grant

The RESTORE Network's Dr. Patrick Whelan has received funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research to examine the complex brain mechanisms that enable walking.

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Dr. Aaron Phillips Headshot

Dr. Aaron Phillips Named Azrieli Future Leader in Canadian Brain Research

Dr. Aaron Phillips is one of twenty Canadian neuroscientists awarded funding through Brain Canada's Future Leaders in Canadian Brain Research Program.

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