Birds flying

Alberta 2023: Health System Challenges and Opportunities

Priorities to Improve Care in Rural Alberta

Alberta is experiencing an accelerating loss of rural physicians, nurses and other health professionals with resulting loss of services and reduction in capacity to train the next rural health workforce generation.

Supporting the Alberta population living in Continuing Care Facilities

Given the rapidly aging Alberta population, and despite important government policies promoting aging-in-place, increased facility-based continuing care capacity will be needed over the next 10 years. Systemic shortcomings in the current facility-based continuing care landscape have included sub-optimal living and working environments, which have led to reduced quality of care and life for residents.

Recommendations for a Comprehensive Youth Mental Health Strategy in Alberta

Even though 70% of mental illness begins before age 18, only 20% of youth with early signs of mental illness will receive support. Mental illness in youth has impacts across the lifespan, reducing educational achievement, employment, income, marriage rates, and life expectancy. Governments and community organizations have invested in youth mental health services and committed efforts to develop mental health strategies. This issue brief outlines three priorities areas to develop and implement a 'Made in Alberta' youth mental health strategy.

Dirt Road

UToday Story

Alberta has a crisis in rural access to health care. With a provincial election looming, the Cumming School of Medicine’s (CSM) O'Brien Institute for Public Health hopes a new policy paper outlining the issues, and possible solutions, will stimulate thoughtful dialogue.