CHS Alumni Spotlight

Lucia Otero Varela

Lucio Otero Varela, MSc'21

Health Services

Community Health Sciences Degree

Health Services Research

Year of Graduation

Current Position Title
Research Staff Member

Current Organization or Sector:
Health Research Foundation in Primary Care (FIIBAP, in Spanish)

What are some key responsibilities in your current role, and what do you enjoy most about your role?
• Supporting research projects at different stages: literature review, study design, research methodology, analysis, and knowledge translation.
• Leading and writing manuscripts for publication, as well as reports.
• Initiating and completing protocol development, ethics applications, and grant application submissions
• Coordinating multiple research tasks with various internal and external stakeholders.

What experience(s) or aspect(s) of your graduate education in Community Health Sciences have helped you the most in your career?
• Theoretical and practical knowledge from courses
• Collaboration in research projects other than my MSc thesis
• Team working and time management skills
• Public speaking skills

What advice do you have for incoming or current graduate students?
Work hard, study a lot, and get involved (in research AND community building activities)! Make the most of your graduate experience. Network with peers and professors, and ask for help if you struggle, they will support you!

Are you open to being contacted by students for an informational interview about my career or current position?
