Community Health Sciences | Cumming School of Medicine

Community Health Sciences

Advancing Health with Communities.

At the Department of Community Health Sciences, our North Star is Healthy Societies.

Public health emergencies, explosive changes in technology and deepening health inequities are just some of the community health challenges of today. By pursuing meaningful research, reimagining education and creating with communities, we are taking action.

University News

UCalgary researchers concerned about number of patient photos ending up online

High proportion of medical photographs from case reports was found on Google Images, raising ethical and policy concerns, study finds

UCalgary researchers at forefront of global innovation in refugee health

Canadian Refugee Healthcare Atlas at heart of efforts to reshape life for refugees around the world

Five Canada Research Chairs announced at UCalgary

Faculty recognized for their research excellence in equity and inclusion, health sciences, and business

A commitment to age inclusivity: Assessing the university’s age-friendly practices

The Brenda Strafford Centre on Aging is leading efforts to create an age-inclusive campus environment for all

A Mother’s Day recruitment milestone in child health research

Preterm infant research study still seeking moms-to-be

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