Medical Education Journal Club Archives
Journal Club Articles 2022-23
January 23
Lara Varpio (2023) Dismantling medical education’s incompatible ideology, Medical Teacher, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2022.2159796
January 9
Cleland, J.A., Cook, D.A., Maloney, S. et al. “Important but risky”: attitudes of global thought leaders towards cost and value research in health professions education. Adv in Health Sci Educ 27, 989–1001 (2022).
November 28
Brown T, Mehta PK, Berman S, et al. A Trauma-Informed Approach to the Medical History: Teaching Trauma-Informed Communication Skills to First-Year Medical and Dental Students. MedEdPORTAL publ. 2021;17(101714390):11160. doi:10.15766/mep_2374-8265.11160
Tan J, Dube SR. A Pilot Study on the Awareness and Knowledge of Adverse Childhood Experiences Science and Trauma-informed Care among Medical School Students. The Permanente Journal. 2021;(5):8.
November 14
Amira Kalifa, Ariet Okuori, Orphelia Kamdem, Doyin Abatan, Sammah Yahya and Allison Brown. This shouldn’t be our job to help you do this”: exploring the responses of medical schools across Canada to address anti-Black racism in 2020. CMAJ October 24, 2022 194 (41) E1395-E1403; DOI:
October 31
Morin M, Alves C, De Champlain A. The Show Must Go On: Lessons Learned from using Remote Proctoring in a High-stakes Medical Licensing Exam Program in Response to Severe Disruption. Journal of Applied Testing Technology, Vol 23 (Special Issue), 15-35, 2022.
October 17
Watling C, Shaw J, Field E,Ginsburg S. ‘For the most part it works’: Exploring how authors navigate peer review feedback. Med Educ. 2022;1‐10.doi:10.1111/medu.14932
October 3
Cleland, J.A., Foo, J., Ilic, D. et al. “You can’t always get what you want…”: economic thinking, constrained optimization and health professions education. Adv in Health Sci Educ 25, 1163–1175 (2020).
Thomas A, Ellaway RH. Rethinking implementation science for health professions education: A manifesto for change. Perspect Med Educ. 2021 Dec;10(6):362-368. doi: 10.1007/s40037-021-00688-3
September 19
Ellaway RH, Wyatt TR. What Role Should Resistance Play in Training Health Professionals? Academic Medicine, Vol. 96, No. 11 / November 2021, pp. 1524-1528.
Ellaway RH, Wyatt TR. When I say resistance. Med Educ. 2022;56(10):970‐971. doi:10.1111/medu.14870ELLAWAYANDWYATT971