multi-coloured silhouettes of heads

Precision Equity & Social Justice Office (PESJO)

Cumming School of Medicine's centralized resource for promoting equity, accessibility, and authentic belonging. Formerly the Office of Professionalism, Equity and Diversity (OPED).

Woman with long black hair and brown skin in purple dress and brown pants, points to a yellow and pink chart

CSM You Belong Survey

PESJO, on behalf of the CSM, is running the You Belong Survey from February 24- March 31, 2025.

An email to the survey link was emailed to CSM staff, faculty, and students on February 24. Check your inbox for the link, fill the survey, and enter a draw to win a prize for completion!

Figure with dark hair, light skin, blue clothing holds laptop in front of picture of envelope with a speech bubble that says news.

PESJO EDIA Newsletter

Interested in hearing about upcoming events and current resources related to equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility?

The Precision Equity and Social Justice Office sends an e-newsletter listing activities, events, and resources available from CSM and external organizations.

Click on the button below to subscribe to the newsletter, or email us at to provide content for an upcoming newsletter.

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2024 CSM Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (EDIA) Award - nominations now closed

The Cumming School of Medicine (CSM) values equity, diversity and inclusive excellence in our health care, research, and medical education.  

The CSM EDIA Award recognizes the outstanding achievements of individuals and teams for the efforts they invest in creating an equitable, diverse, inclusive culture at CSM, and/or within their community of practice. 

Nominees include CSM faculty members, learners, staff, postdoctoral scholars, and work units. Nominations highlight a practice, event, educational resources, theoretical or applied research, policy, program, or other activities that foster equitable and impactful change for those who traditionally have been under-represented in medicine and health sciences, including women, persons from racialized communities, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, persons with diverse abilities, and persons from 2SLGBTQ+ communities.  The winning nominations are awarded $1500, supported by a generous philanthropic donation by the Helios Group and matched by the Cumming School of Medicine. 

2024 Nominations are now closed!  The CSM EDIA Award will be formally awarded at a CSM-wide recognition event in 2025 and through PESJO's communication channels. 

Watch this space in fall of 2025 when nominations open again.

News in the Community

How you can support students observing Ramadan

Advice from UCalgary’s Faith and Spirituality Centre and members of our local community

UCalgary marks Black History Month

Events across campus showcase commitment to anti-racism

How a UCalgary student explored their queer Czech identity through undergraduate research

Míša Štorková knits together art and queer archives to amplify the forgotten voices of Czech history

UCalgary experts present educational insights against Islamophobia

Honouring the National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action Against Islamophobia

UCalgary’s social innovation ecosystem collaborates on new soft skills workshop

The Social Impact Starter Series will equip social impact leaders across campus with essential skills for success

Supporting Aboriginal Graduate Enhancement program deepens its roots and branches out

Revitalized by new co-ordinators, the UCalgary program fosters community, cultural connection and academic success for Indigenous graduate students

Featured events