Probiotic for IBS Research Study

Recruitment has been completed. Thank you!


This is a placebo controlled study that will evaluate the effects of 6 weeks of using a daily probiotic supplement on intestinal and psychological symptoms of IBS. The trial will last about 14 weeks including screening, 6 weeks of treatment and 4 weeks of follow-up after treatment. You have a 50% chance of receiving the active probiotic and 50% chance of receiving a non-active placebo in this trial.
There are 4 in-person, weekday visits at the Research Clinic and 1 phone visit mid-way through the treatment period. You will answer questionnaires asking about physical and mental health, have vitals measured and blood drawn at visits and collect urine, stool and saliva samples as part of the study.
During the study, there are medications and supplements that you will not be allowed to use and you will need to maintain a stable diet.
The probiotic used in this study has been shown to be very safe and participating in this study is considered low risk. Parking at the Foothills Campus will be covered for all in person appointments and participants will receive $50 gift cards as a thank you for attending each in person visit.

You may be eligible if you are between 18 and 70 years of age and:
-are willing and able to sign written informed consent form prior to study entry.
-are able to comply with all study procedures, in the opinion of the study investigator.
-have a prior diagnosis of IBS (any sub-type) with active symptoms as assessed by questionnaire at Screening Visit.
-are experiencing mild to moderate symptoms of depression or anxiety as assessed by questionnaire at Screening Visit.